89. ray of light

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i'm home

how did it go?


what about you?

something interesting?

working on my new project

do you like how it is going?

i'm actually really proud of it

that's great

i can't wait to know what it is

you'll know soon

and talking about valentine's day

we weren't talking about it...

i'm curious about something

what is it?

is jaden the only guy you dated?

you think i didn't break hearts until i got mine broken?

you wouldn't be a heartbreaker

i wasn't

i know

i didn't only date jaden

who was before him?

you want to know my love record?

if you'd do me the honor

before jaden i only dated one guy in high school

not really worth mentioning

was he the one who broke your heart first?

he allegedly moved to another city, but i still think it was just an excuse to break up with me without actually hurting me

so your hypothesis is that he moved out just to avoid making you go through the tedious process of a break up


he was very nice :)

what about you?


your exes

the summary is on the internet

but i want to know it from you

i dated several girls, but none of them worked out

did you break their hearts?

you do look like a heartbreaker

i actually got my heart broken

you did?

kind of

kind of?

it was actually my fault, so she broke up with me

can i know her name?


that's a pretty girl's name

she is a pretty girl

do you still love her?

four months ago that question would have made me emotional


i couldn't get over the fact that i wasted something so pure

but then good things happened to me again and i thought that maybe i was not so despicable

you could never be a bad person

we all make mistakes

and we all think we ruined things, but it's hard to know if it was actually some game of fate and casualty

maybe it was what was meant to happen for the good of both of you

or maybe you find her in the future and things work out for you two

how's that you're so wise and smart for some things but so wrong and obstinate about others?

like i said, we all make mistakes

i hope so


the thing is, i loved her, now she's in the past

i did write songs about her every day, but that ended a long time ago

what changed?

a text did

what do you mean a text?

an unknown girl insulted me because i cheated on her

turns out she just texted the wrong number and she's now my best friend

you're not serious

i am

i didn't change your life

not in that way

in what way would you change it?

you know when you think "i'm so glad i'll never see them again" about someone?

in that way

you did change a lot of things for me, angel


you didn't stop talking to me

you insisted to know me

i had no friends

and you were fine with that

it was kinda worrying that you trusted a stranger, but i wouldn't change it for anything

i still don't get how could someone be affected by me


i was sad all the time and embarrassed for the way i acted with camille in the last months of our relationship

but, being extremely and annoyingly corny, you were like the ray of light that reminded me the sun still goes up after the dark night

i was that for you?

you still are

i don't know how you did it, but i know it was you

how could you be sure?

maybe it was just a casualty

i don't think so

i was only looking forward to talking to you because i was genuinely happy when i had those little moments with you

you brought me back to my quotidian life and gave me reasons to stay

fuck, that was deep



i love you

and thank you for trusting me and letting me in your life

i know i'm not easy to deal with sometimes, i'm not as open as you are about these subjects

but i will be

you don't need to do anything just because i did

if i told you this is because i wanted you to know how important you are for me and assure you that i'm not going away, because leaving you would mean taking from myself one of the few good things that has happened to me these past months

i believe you

i just need some more time

you have all the time you want

i love you harry

i love you angel

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now