10. real friendship

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hey prince!

omg there's a singer called like that



not ariel


the one in purple

i mean

he probably wore other clothes

but when i think of him

purple comes to my mind

what did he wear at home?

i know he was all about purple, so maybe his closet is full of purple clothes

like REALLY full

are you at the party?


did you drink?

we all drink

that's how we are alive

apart from the oxygen and other stuff

i mean alcohol

i know

you sound a bit drunk

i'm confident

it's the magic of the dress

did you pick red?

i did

red satin


that must've blown everyone's mind

he didn't even look at me

did you want him to look at you? considering what he put you through


and btw

yes i'm a bit drunk

you were fooling no one

but i can handle it

are you sure?

i wanna go home :( tbh

did something happen?


then why are you upset?

i don't wanna bother you with my self-esteem issues

you were for me when i asked for advice

so go ahead and tell me what's wrong, if it's fine by you

it's just that none of them are talking to me

only monica, the nice one

this is so unfair

he cheated on me with one of the girls that i considered best friends

and they just turn their backs on me? what is wrong with them?

i didn't want to play the victim or something so i didn't say anything, but it hurts so damn bad to see all the people who used to be my friends hanging out with him and his new girlfriend

and i wonder if i'm not enough, but just tonight because i'm drunk


you have no idea how precious you are

and no, i haven't seen your appearance, but i don't need to, you sound like someone you could have a real talk with, someone that can be trusted

i don't make many friends because i don't trust people but something about you is different to me, maybe the way we met helped me see you for who you are, someone i wanna keep as a friend

you're so kind and friendly, and it kills me that you cannot see that because of that asshole

thank you harry

it really means a lot to me

after the ranting i believe this constitutes a real friendship <3

i was counting on it

i'm picking you up



why not?

it'd be weird

what if you're a kidnapper?

omg you're gonna sell my organs

i drink A LOT of water so my kidneys are kinda bloated, i know kidneys need a lot of water, but trust me, not THAT MUCH

and i drink alcohol, my liver is dead already

and let's not talk about my lungs

literal trash


a minute ago you were saying this was a real friendship


i'm not kidnapping you

that's what a kidnapper would say tho


did i offend you?


i'm just thinking


i'm gonna send someone to pick you up

a limo?


are you really prince harry?

he'd love to be me

lmao i know

i'm sending someone i trust, and you don't have to get in the car if you don't want to

i just need to know you're comfortable and safe

my mom would kill me if she knew this

but ok

i honestly don't have money for a cab and there's NO WAY i'm asking them for money

ok send me your location

you promise me you're not gonna kidnap me?

i promise

a kidnapper would say that

god ariel

tell me why wouldn't you kidnap me?

because your organs are trash, i can't do anything with you, i'd just waste my time and expose myself

alright you convinced me

send me your location

and wait for chad

he will arrive in a black jeep


i better not be on the news tomorrow

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now