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i'm so confused


why are you awake?

it's 4am

you texted me

did you even sleep?


i was watching netflix

what are you confused about?

i texted the wrong person

you sure?



how's the party?



it's 4 in the morning

i expected it to be wilder

not my style

everyone's gone already

how are you?


you should get some sleep

i tried

count sheep

great advice

why can't you sleep?

i'm thinking about you

you should think about sleeping

i don't want to

but you have to

you're not even asking me why i'm thinking about you, you're dodging it like you dodge everything that affects you

that's not true

why are you suddenly attacking me?

i thought you really considered the kiss a mistake because it meant nothing to you, but it did, that's why you try to be so proper about it, that way you can dodge and forget it

ok you're raving

go to sleep

do you really think i'm the kind of guy that would disappear because of a kiss?

it happened, and the best is to talk about it

i don't want to talk about it because there's nothing to say


maybe i don't wanna talk either

what do you mean?

i don't know

why are you giving this the importance it clearly doesn't have?

did you even ask me if it meant something before you started saying all that bullshit?

am i supposed to think the amazingly handsome harry styles, who only dated beautiful, tall and slim girls, could feel something for me?

is that why you said it was a mistake?

no, for the love of god

harry it didn't mean anything

that's it

just a kiss that wasn't meant to happen

i'm trying to understand you, could you be a little nicer? it wouldn't kill you

we shouldn't be talking about this

why not?

because it was not important

what the hell is going on with you?

you acted the same way when you told me you were just "stressed"

there's nothing going on

there is

stop hiding it from me and pushing me away like i'm not your friend


my friend

so what?

you've only been in my life for four months and you already want to know everything about me?

do you need the doctor to tell you i am clinically diagnosed with stress so that you believe i'm not hiding anything?

but you are

of course i am, i just don't wanna tell you but you don't respect that

i know you're saying this because you're hurt and trying to protect yourself, i know you don't mean what you're saying

there's no way you feel like that about our friendship

or about me

you expect me to be like you

you want me to tell you everything because that's what you would do

we're different

i know we are

i just wanted to be useful

i'm not as open as you are, i don't feel comfortable talking about this with anyone

i'll wait if that's what you want, but don't push me away angel

i won't

i don't want to ruin anything

i'm sorry

you didn't ruin anything

i'm here for you angel and i'm not leaving if you don't want me to


yes angel?

i love you

and i really mean it, you're important to me

i know i said you've only been in my life for four months, but that doesn't mean anything

i don't know why i said it

i know you didn't really mean it

i love you too

by the way, you're beautiful

what do you mean?

you said before that i wouldn't feel something for you because you don't think of yourself as the kind of girl i would date

so i'm telling you that you're beautiful

but you still wouldn't date me

why not?

we're friends

actually, you're my best friend

i know

just wanted to tell you that you're beautiful

thanks harry

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now