53. easy [narrated]

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"Hey, hey, hey, Ari, where are you going?"

I stop myself from opening the door and look over to my mom and dad, both laying on the couch.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you!" I slap my own forehead as if I was punishing myself for my mistake. "Remember the new girl I told you about? Tris. Yeah, I'm meeting her."

"Wow." My mom sits on the couch and stares at my dad, who also seems impressed. "She's getting better at lying." I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Tell Jaden I said hi."

"And you have to be home by nine," Adds my dad, pointing at me.

"It's already half past eight, dad." I open the door. "See you, love you," I say about to get out of my house.

"Take care!" My mom yells before I close the door.

I get in the car and sigh. I got rid of them, but now they think I'm going to see Jaden.

They still don't know I broke up with him, even though they find it shady that he hasn't come over in months or I don't spend hours on the phone just talking to him. But with Jaden in his last year of college, they get it. And the parties Monica invited me to lately just reaffirm that something is still going on between us two.

I know it's wrong, but I don't have the courage to look at my mom in the face and tell her that the person she considered the perfect guy cheated on me with one of the girls she met last year in my birthday. She'd be devastated, even more than me and I am the one who got cheated on.

Forget it, Ariel, you're meeting Harry.

I've fantasized about this moment since he told me about his insecurities and the way people used to react.

And the day I meet Harry is finally here.

He sent me the location this morning. It's a bit far from the city, half an hour from my house, but I'm sure it's worthy.

I should be taking care of myself, making sure he's not going to kill me, since I didn't even see his face, but the confidence I have on him is much more powerful than any doubt or fear.

As soon as I get past the little hill, I can see the clear area of the place, some benches and trash cans, but not much more except nature.

I get out of the car after texting him that I'm here. He reads the message but doesn't reply, I guess he's almost here.

When I hear what sounds like a branch crashing, I look to the sides.

"Harry?" I ask to the air. No one replies or comes out, so I just wait there, walking on the area, swinging my leg before I put my foot down.

I try and text him again, asking if he's gonna delay much more.

I don't really care. I just want to meet him.

After fifteen minutes of waiting I go to my car and sit on the hood, legs crossed, waiting for him while I talk to Tris about next week's assignment. I also take some time to tell my dad that I'm fine, he doubts at first, but finally tells me they're going to sleep so I don't make noise when I get home.

Half an hour has passed and I'm starting to worry. I send the thirtieth message since I got here, but again: nothing.

It's when almost an hour has gone by that I say "fuck it" and get back in my car, looking like the angry emoji. I avoid texting him and, as the only coping mechanism I can think of right now, I go to a drive-through, craving something unhealthy instead of crying.

I eat my food in the car, looking at the last texts I got from him. Three hours ago. He told me he expected to see me there.

Fuck you, Harry.

I want to be mad at him, but I can't. And I hate that I can't be mad at him for making me wait almost an hour. I even checked the time he told me he'll be there or the location, to make sure I didn't get anything wrong.

Getting home feels like going to Disneyland and finding out it's closed right when you're in front of the gates. I lay on my bed and ignore the notifications.

I read the first message he sent me in the car, but I promised myself I wouldn't give in. He only said "sorry", as if it was that easy.

But it is. And I hate it.

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now