129. what i always do

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lord save me

oh that sweet sentence


just got home from a long day at the studio

and i'm more than ready to read your long list of complains

do you have any complains tho?

it's always me being negative

no, everything is just fine

it always is

that's shady

shady for someone who makes a big drama out of something simple

i might've been binge watching gossip girl


yes :(

i need drama so i make it up

if that sounds logic to you

it actually does

do you have any celebrity beef i should know?

not this month

i'm actually very out of that world

you are?



i don't have time for it

i work, talk to you and sleep

do i take a lot of your time?


but i do take yours

how are your grades?

going up



harry, there's nothing to worry about

but i'm worried

don't be

tomorrow is my birthday

so if you mention this tomorrow you would've officially ruined my day

and you don't want a sad ariel who has spent the last week watching blair waldorf making up drama out of nowhere

i got the advice

more like the threat

i just want you to know that if we can't spend that much time together it's fine

i know

but i'm good for now

what are your plans for tomorrow?

waking up at 10, skipping school, welcoming family and going out with you to stargaze

skipping school?


ok ok, won't mention it

til the 30th of march


i'm looking forward to seeing starts with you

i wanna feel flattered with your flirty ways

you will be

did you actually have any complains?

no, forget about it

then why did you say "lord save me"?

it was just an excuse to talk to you

no it wasn't

how would you know?

every time you want to talk you just say "i miss you"

i got exposed

what is wrong?


that's obviously something

no it's not

i'm just tired

it's kinda late

i know

i'll let it go this time

even though that's what i always do

harry, i'm fine

you should get some sleep

we'll talk tomorrow

i love you

good night

love you too


Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now