40. christmas eve

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are you in england already?


just got home

how is your family?

they're great, and yours?

not here yet

oh right

the time


did you miss them?

yes but i'm already here so it's fine

what did you get them?

that's a secret, angel



why do you sound sO eXCiTeD!?!?!?

don't make fun of me :(

i'm sorry angel

it's fine :)

i just love christmas

and you didn't answer me


i already got the present

who is it for?

don't tell anyone

your secret is safe with me

are you sure?


my sister

what did you get her?

make up

she likes makeup?

she's pretty obsessed with it

did you do secret santa?


who did you get?

my cousin stella

what's stella getting for christmas?

she's obsessed with a band, so i bought her their latest album

and i kinda like them

what band?


they have really good songs

yeah they do

i'm sorry, you should be with your family and i don't stop talking


i'm sorry


it's fine

i like talking to you

and i'm in my old room, taking some time to text you


you didn't have to

btw, i got something for you

when will you be back?

new year's

what did you get me?

i can't tell you

and i don't know if you're gonna like it

i also got you something


or are you saying that only because i got you something?

shit you're smart


no, i was being honest

i got something for you, chad will probably leave it in your porche on christmas day

i'll wake up earlier only to pick up my gift

it's not much

it is if it comes from you

that was cute

i know :)


gotta go

talk later?

everyone arrives in a couple hours, i'm not sure i'll have time to text when they're all here

then we'll talk tomorrow and you can tell me what you think of your gift


bye angel



i'm sorry for acting so childish, i didn't have any right to be mad at you

and you're so nice that you will tell me it's fine and that i can get mad, but i still feel bad

oh and i'm also glad we can talk again like we used to, for a moment i thought i ruined everything

you wouldn't ruin anything even if you wanted to, you have a pure heart ariel

and i feel lucky to have you

don't say again you're sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for

you're a good friend harry, it's me who is lucky to have you

nah, pretty sure it's me


did you just

forget it


i'll let you go now

bye harry, and thank you <3

bye angel

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