106. magic mushrooms

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you're really famous


you are famous


you may don't know

but i used to be in a band

i know


tell me something not a lot of people know about you


everyone knows everything

my life is kinda public

isn't there something i don't know but not many people know either?

i have four nipples

you're joking

i wish i were

but i saw you shirtless

you were focused on something else to notice

yeah i definitely was

tell me about you

oh i only have two

i didn't mean that

but good to know

lol i know


i'm afraid of darkness

you sleep with the lights on?

don't laugh at me

i'm not laughing

but i need darkness

i don't know how are we gonna do to sleep together

you're so blatant


tell me something else

i have asthma



i could die any day

you won't die

i'm gonna carry an inhaler every time we are together

that would be one of the corniest yet weirdest demonstrations of love

only my mom and sister did that

i don't want you to die in the middle of our date

tell me another thing

i don't like horror movies

is that related to the fear of darkness?

i guess

now we can't watch horror movies and use it as an excuse to cuddle

i'll find something else

your turn

i like mushrooms

i do too omg

not those


magic mushrooms



you do magic mushrooms????????


you never tried them?


the strongest thing i tried is alcohol

and after psychobiology i don't drink much


neuronal death

the point is

you do drugs

that's how i wrote fine line

fine line?????

the album's name


yes, angel?

is your album's name a reference to drugs?



it could be

but i wasn't that high

and i don't do hard drugs

so there are hard and soft drugs

of course

a blunt is not the same as coke

they're both pretty dangerous

take care, ok?

what do you mean?

i know you're an adult and can take care of yourself, but those things can go really bad

so be careful please

everything is under control

i know

and thanks



not a lot of people have been concerned about me doing drugs

why not?

i guess they didn't care the same way you do

i really appreciate your concern

you should let me try some time


no way

why not?:(

you never tried it

i can try them with you


i have experience with this

you don't

teach me

i'm not teaching you how to do drugs

i just want to try

angel, no



tequila is okay for you :)

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now