48. ugly sweater

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i'm ready

that took you almost an hour

i didn't really want to do it

why did you do it then?

because you're bossy


because you knew i was right

don't you feel better now?


i hate you

you don't

what are you wearing?


just answer

are you trying to sext?

am i supposed to say i'm wearing only underwear?

did you ever sext?

did you?

never mind

did you get ready?

why didn't you ask that?

i got ready

so what are you wearing?

a towel

ONLY a towel



i just remembered you saw me

this is gonna be ten times more awkward than it was already going to be


i'm wearing the ugly sweater my mom bought me and jeans

ugly sweater?


tell me more about it :)

it's a red sweater

with princess ariel's face on it

and my name

HER name

i want a picture of you wearing that

someday i'll get you one with a crown

i'm impatient

btw, great start

i got coffee too :)

you know in ten days you will be stuck to your bed watching netflix right?


it's 2019

no bad vibes

lord have mercy

look at the bright side :)

which is...

we're starting 2019 as friends

we can also end it like that

the year just started and you're already thinking about the end of it

why are you so pessimistic today?:(

yin and yang, remember?

you're a pessimist, i'm an optimist

today we inverted roles

tomorrow you'll get back to your grumpy mood and i'll be yang again

makes sense

you have plans for today?


i'm gonna stay home and make some tacos

i want tacos

someday i'll cook for you my amazing tacos

omg can't wait to be intoxicated

nonono ariel


you were supposed to wait til tomorrow to invert back the roles

shut up


do you have plans?

i do

skincare day for myself

after i get taco bell

of course

what :(

it wouldn't be ariel without her taco bell

i'm hungry

talk later

bye angel

enjoy your quesarito

you remember?

you told me like a hundred times

thanks harry

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now