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i landed three hours ago but i knew you were asleep

and you don't put your phone in silent mode, so i didn't want to wake you up

also, it is already 6:40am there, which means you are getting ready for college

am i right?


did you memorize my morning routine?

it is my routine too since someone decided to wake up "together"

sorry about that

it's fine

i like it

how are you?




your friends

how was louis before you left?

he was just gone

what do you mean gone?

it's like he's not in his body angel

i didn't know what to do

because there was nothing to do

so calming

like i told you before, you cannot "fix" pain, just make it easier with your presence

i did



have you ever lost someone?

i don't think i did

in your 20 years you never lost anyone?

i didn't have anybody to lose, i guess

and you? did you lose someone?




what do you mean?

i lost the version of me that i liked

then i spent years trying to be him again

but i couldn't

you don't need to be anyone, you just have to make your mind a comfortable place

somewhere you don't want to run away from

it's hard to know if i achieved that when all i think about is angels

my mind is heaven right now

why would i want to run away from it?

you should run away from that heaven


because it's not gonna last forever, and when you realize that, you'll have an existential crisis

don't spit your psychology knowledge on me and be clear

i was obviously talking about you

what i meant is that you shouldn't sum up your happiness to a person, because at some point, even if it's just for a couple days, that person won't be there

i know that

but it's ok to accept the way we feel

what do you mean?

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα