102. jealous & kinky

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how did it go?

i know you were supposed to text me when you were finished

but since you didn't, i decided to ask

to be honest, i got kinda mad that you didn't text me

then i remembered this is still a difficult subject to you, so i don't wanna pressure you or anything

text me when you feel better and let me know where we stand, but take care of yourself first

i love you and i'm here for you



are you okay?


i'm fine

good to know

i don't deserve you

what do you mean?

you're so comprehensive, you tried to understand me before making your own assumptions

i figured you didn't need more to deal with

how did it go?

jaden wanted another opportunity, it's what he always does, but i made it clear that i'm over him and seeing someone else, i think

you think?

i don't know

the thing is he's not gonna be in my life in that way

in that way??

why did you clarify in that way??

i may have messed up a little bit

no, you chose what you felt in the moment, it's fine

i always wanted him to give me my place as his girlfriend, but he never did, so i gave you your place

what's my place?

i don't know exactly

but i do know that there's only space for one person
and that's you

and what's his place?

he wants to keep seeing me, hang out from time to time, idk

a friend i guess?

isn't that dangerous for your feelings?

i feel nothing when he's around

or when he kissed me

he kissed yoU?????

not last night

on valentine's day

you saw it

oh that kiss


that's why you were grumpy

i forgot

i mean i didn't, but i never asked you to make sure

what are you talking about, angel?


i already knew but i didn't know if i could tell you

i didn't want you to kick me out of your house

or your car

i was not that grumpy

you're exaggerating it

ok so i'm dramatic


but you were jealous

how wouldn't i be?????

i thought you said you were not the jealous type

how do you even remember that?

i don't know, but i remember

it made me a bit insecure, i didn't know if you were rejecting me because you were confused or because you were not over your ex

but you said you didn't stop insisting because you were sure i actually felt something for you


that was the only time i doubted

that's why i got mad

for like an hour i didn't know your feelings

an hour?


yes, you're pretty decipherable

no i'm not

yes you are, angel, there's no point denying it

anyway, the thing is you're letting your ex back to your life

maybe not as a boyfriend, but he could misunderstand things

are you jealous now?

should i be?


then i'm not

why did you ask?????

i don't know, harry!!!!!

you're not as decipherable as me


i'll let you know when i'm jealous then


first, don't mock me, aGAIN

second, thank you so much for your help:)


and you make it easy to mock you


your excitement!!!!!:)

idk, it's funny

why is it funny?

because you're usually colder than siberia

and all of a sudden you're all like !!!!! or ?????? or :((((((

ok, i'm gonna be serious and professional



remember when i told you being your friend is a full time job?

i'm gonna be professional at my job from now on


you have promoted


something more exclusive and better than being a friend

i'm so good at my job

not like you, mr styles

is that some kind of kink?

mr styles??


what? maybe your kink is surnames

it isn't

daddy kink?

uuh no?

foot fetish?

definitely no

feet are disgusting

you have two

ew don't remind me


you have any kinks?

you'll need to see it yourself

i think i'm more into boring sex

just saying, i don't like surprises

i'll keep it in mind ;)

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