Part 12~

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Another week in this shithole. Brilliant. I'm actually curious as to what this week is going to bring me. "Hey Missy!" I greeted her at the gates. "Hey Mia how you doing? So glad your back in. Boys are trash you have us." She points at herself and Nas who's walking towards us. We have a group hug. "I'm so sorry I've been distant at the minute." "Don't be silly." Nas says comforting me. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life." I say "what about me trouble." I turn around as someone was overhearing our conversation. I turned around to see someone I never wanted to see again. Cory. "Fuck off Cory alright." Missy screams in his face. Cory thankfully walked off.

We strolled through the gates. The weather was shit today. Just a usual day in England really. I put my hood of my hoodie up I was wearing under my hoodie. My first lesson today was science. Ugh Jordan's in that class. I hope he isn't in today. Mr Hyatt smiled at me as I walked in. I was in to much of a shit mood to even co operate so I carried on walking. "Morning everyone we're going to be doing a practical today." I rolled my eyes. I hate practicals. I look around and Jordan still isn't here, which isn't a shock, he's always late. Spoke to soon. The door swings open him nearly taking it off it's hinges. "Ah Mr Wilson morning nice to see your on time as usual." He scoffed. We caught eye contact and I looked away quickly. I zoned out the window. "Miaaaaa." Mr Hyatt was standing in front of me clicking his fingers. I came back down to earth and heard everyone laughing. "Is there a reason why you're staring out the window?" I rolled my eyes. Whoops bad habit. "Same shit different day sir." There were some oooos and Jordan looked up at me smirking. He muttered something under i his breath which I couldn't make out. Missy's eyes were wide open as if she heard what he said. I'll ask her later. "Isolation. NOW!". "Better than being in here." I packed up my stuff and walked out. I slammed the door on the way out.

I walked into isolation greeted by Mr Bell. "Ah shock of the day. What you do this time kid?" I laughed "nothing as per usual." He pointed at the seat "sit." It was so boring and the day went so slow. Oh well at least this meant I could avoid Jordan all day. Unless he got put in isolation to which was likely. "Mia I've got to teach boys pe now. So you will have to come with." I rolled my eyes once again. "Oh and Mia if you carry on rolling your eyes one day there gonna get stuck there." Hahah such a dad joke.

I walked outside with Mr Bell and all the boys were running around the field. Including Jordan. Mr Bell blew his whistle. All the boys came flooding over. "Not being funny sir, but I don't think I'll be able to concentrate with her here." I crossed my arms. "Don't gas yourself up too much I won't be looking at you." All the boys were taken back a bit. Jordan just stared at me. Wilson your on the bench today because of your behaviour. "Suits me." He shrugged his shoulders and went and sat down. I watched him as he walked away. God them shorts. I got lost in my thoughts and I noticed he was laughing at me. "Mia go and keep him company would ya? He will only be complaining otherwise." I breathed heavily "Ughhhh". I strolled over and sat next to him. "So Wilson what's your story." He looked at me confused. "Well we're going to be here for a while. So, might aswell get to know each other properly." He smiled. "Alright kid. What do you want to know."
I didn't want to trigger him. But I wanted to ask him about the baby situation. Oh well here goes nothing. "Are you a dad?" He was shocked. "Erm no, just a rumour. Cody's the dad." Eh what I thought it was him. "Rightttttt." "Honest Mia I don't have a girlfriend either." I just sat in silence. "Mia I need to ask you something." I nodded my head slowly concerned. "Do you think I could stay at yours tonight?." Pardon. I hope just because I asked him his life story that doesn't mean he thinks i want to fuck him. "Erm, okay?" I left it at that. What the fuck is going on?

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