Part 17~

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It's been 3 days since Jordan left to go to his new foster home. And to say the least I have not been coping well. Even after everything that happened I decided to push it all to one side and become closer with Cory. I feel like it's keeping me close to Jordan. He's not really messaged me, but I can't really say anything. He never really asked me to be his girlfriend or anything. I'm no priority to him.

It's Monday. The day I always dreaded to go in for because I had to sit with Jordan in art. Now I regret ever complaining. "Morning hun." My mum comes in and opens my blinds. She knows what happened with Jordan. I had to talk to someone. "Time for school." She says softly to me. I put my head back under the covers and she walks out and closes the door. I decide that it's probably better for me to go in because I need to take my mind off things, I need to be with my friends. I got ready for school and my mum said she would give me a lift, I was very thankful for that the thought of walking makes me feel sick.

I finally reach school and see Missy standing at the gates with Nas. I haven't really spoke to anyone about Jordan. Everyone knows what's happened, I've just chosen to stay quiet and avoid any sympathy. Even Jordan knew I hated any kind of it. "Morning babe are you okay?." Missy says and they both give me a hug. "I'm okay, have seen better days." I shrug my shoulders. They link arms with me and we walk up to the the doors. It's like being back to my first day. Eyes all around staring. My first lesson was Art today. I'm dreading it. I walk into the classroom and see the empty chair. God get a grip Mia he's not dead. I walk to my desk and try and get through the boring lesson that I truly once liked. Only a little bit though. "Mia can I have a word." I'm taken out of my thoughts when I didn't even realise Mr Bell had walked into the room. I get my stuff and walk into isolation with him. I'm greeted by a Cory who gives me a weak smile and gets back to doing his work. "I just wanted to catch up with you." He smiled at me. "Have you heard from him?" I don't even say anything. I just shake my head. "I'm not going to chase him, maybe he's better away from all this." He smiles and Cory turns round and looks at me. I hope I didn't offend him. "Can I stay in here for a while, I really don't want to go to Art again." He laughs and nods. I take a seat next to Cory. "Hey." He smiles. "What you doing after school, I'll walk you home if you want." I was a bit taken back. But maybe I can open my feelings to someone a bit more about this. "Okay I'll meet you after school." And with that I walk out and get on with the rest of the day.

The day goes very slow after that. I'm just glad I had Missy and Nas to get me through the day. "I'm meeting Cory after school." Missy looks at me confused and tilts her head "why?" I laugh "just to talk I guess. Jordan is his brother." She laughs also then. I wave goodbye and head to meet Cory. "Do you want to stop at the shop?" Cory suggests. I nod my head. I could do with getting a drink. Once we reach the shop. I go to there minimal selection of drinks until I hear a massive bang go off. "EVERYONE ON THE GROUND." I hear a young man shouting. I quickly search the shop for Cory. I crawl over to him. "What the fuck." He quickly covers my mouth as I struggle from crying. I was petrified. Nothing like this happens here. Why when I have to be in here. The masked boy comes over and sees me and Cory. "Let go of the girl." He shakes his head. "No way." And the boy whipped out a gun from his back pocket. I don't know why I did it. But I knew it was the right thing to do. I jumped in front of Cory and took the bullet. It quickly went black. What had I done.
That really took a turn. Been a while since I've updated but hope you all like it. Please leave a vote for meee xx

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