Part 41~

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The next day I walking into school and I get a few stares from some people I don't really know. "Mia. Oh my god are you okay?" Missy come running over. "How did you know?" I asked sadly "Jordan told me." She said with a weak smile. "Why are you even here today?" She asked concerned. "Well my aunts staying at my house. She's horrible." I said trying to explain to Missy my shitty life story. I see an enemy who I really did not want to see today. Chloe. "Alright Mia. Heard your mum died. What a shame. Oh well at least there's one less sket in the family." She said chuckling to herself. I launched at her. No way was I taking any shit from her today. "Speak about her like that again, I'll fuck you up." I said punching her in the face. All of a sudden Miss Keane come running over. "Mia! Mia! Get off her." She says dragging me off her daughter. She makes me go to her room, which is the last place I want to be right now. "What on earth is going on with you?" She asked "Well. Maybe if your daughter wasn't such a bitch, I wouldn't have to beat her up." I said proudly. There was a pause in the room. "What's really going on Mia?" She asked curiously "Mum died last night." I said a year dropping down my face. I rubbed the tear away with my blazer sleeve trying not to show any emotion. It's like I've always said. I HATE sympathy. "I'm so sorry Mia." She said really sympathising over me. Ew.

The day obviously didn't take off to a good start. Now, the day was about to get even stranger. I was called out of my lesson to go to Mrs Carter's office. It had been a long time since I'd been called in there. Time to face the music anyways. I walked down the corridor and knocked on her office door. She said hello and stood aside. I was stopped in my tracks when I saw a tall dark haired boy stood in front of me. Jake. I'd never mentioned anything about Jake before, because it was too upsetting. Jake was my brother. He left when dad passed away. He went to love with one of our cousins about 3 hours away. I hadn't heard from him since and neither had mum. He stands staring at me "Hi Mimi." He says smiling. That's what he used to call me when we were kids. I stood there. Mouth dropped. Speechless. He comes over and embraces me into a hug. "What are you doing here?!" I asked shocked "I heard about mum Mimi I'm sorry." He said with a guilty look on his face. "Why should you care. You left us. You weren't even there to say goodbye to mum. You were just living it up trying to get shagged as much as you could." I screamed. I probably shouldn't have. He's really the only family I have left. "So what, your back now?" I asked sarcastically. "Yes Mia I'm going to look after you." I roll my eyes "I don't need you." I say bluntly "So you want to be stuck with auntie Sarah?" He asks. I shake my head. "And I'm going to be going to school here." He announces. Yes. He was a year older than me. "Great." U say folding my arms over. "I'll see you at the end of the day okay?" He says and I nod my head. Even though I was angry at him, I still loved him. We walked out of Mrs Carter's office and I gave him a hug saying good bye. Once I looked up I saw Jordan looking at me. He was pissed. He didn't understand though it looked worse than it was. 

I ran after Jordan, trying to catch up with him. "Jordan. Wait." I said not being able to catch my breath. "What Mia. Who the fuck was that?" He said angrily. "That. Is. My. Brother." I said trying to catch my breath. "You don't have a brother." He says "So you think I'm lying." I said feel a bit hurt. "Well you have never mentioned him before." I stood shaking my head. This boy always jumps to conclusions.

That lunchtime me and Jordan sat and I explained the whole story to him. "So hes coming home after school today . You should be able to come round tomorrow though." I said. I hated the house when Jordan wasn't there. "It's okay." He said embracing me into a hug "sorry for jumping to conclusions though." He said. "Is Jordan Wilson really apologising?" I said. Holding my hand to my chest. "I'm honoured." I said laughing so much I couldn't breathe. He shoved me "Hilarious Mia." And with that we went out separate ways.

After school, Jake met me outside of the gates. "Hey stranger." He said smiling. "Hello." I said. It wasn't a long walk home but we got to catch up on everything. We got to the front door, and Jake stopped me before I could unlock it. "Now before you go in, promise you won't be mad." He said. I ignored him and walked into the house "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

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