Part 21~

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Mia's POV
All of a sudden my eyes slowly started opening. I saw a boy sitting in the chair next to me holding my hand. Where was I? It took me to realise it was......Jordan. "Mia? Mia? Are you awake." He said i a gentle tone. He ran out the room "Nurse!Nurse she's awake." All of a sudden 3 nurses came running into my room. I can't believe Jordan was here. He still cared. I want to speak to him but I can't seem to get my words out. "Mia? Why aren't you speaking?" He asked me. "She may find it a bit difficult to gain strength to do anything right away. We need to give her time." One of the nurses said to Jordan. He nodded his head and sat back down on the seat next to me. All of a sudden I felt my eyes slowly closing again. I felt. Tired.

About 2 hours later I had woken back up. I felt a lot more stronger now. I looked to my left to see a sleepy Jordan sleeping in the chair next to me. "Jordan?" I was surprised as I was now able to speak again. He jolted upwards, rubbing his eyes. "Mia." He said with a smile. "I knew you wouldn't leave me. I knew it." He said grabbing my hand again. I was a bit confused. Why was I going to leave him? "What do you mean leave you?" I asked him curiously. "You don't remember?" He tilted his head as I shook my head. He just smiled "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay just feeling a bit tired." I said bluntly. I started remembering things from before I ended up in hospital. He left and never spoke to me. But he came back. Why? I had so many questions. "How long have you been here for?" I asked
"About 2 week, but I've been home and to school a couple of times. It was just never the same." He smiled. "You stayed her for 2 weeks. Why? I thought you had a new home?" He wasn't smiling anymore.
"I missed you Mia. I'm so sorry I wasn't here. If i was here none of this would've happened. Me and your mum have been chatting a lot." Jordan smirked. I slapped my head "oh my god what has she been saying. I swear if she's been trying to embarrass me." He giggled. "You're okay Mia. Nothing to bad." He winked and I rolled my eyes. That's the Jordan I know and that's the Jordan I remember.

A couple of days went by and Jordan had stayed every night by my side. My mum has been in and out a lot and has been filling me in on her chit chats with Jordan. I love how they have been getting along. A doctor suddenly came into my room "Hi Mia. How you feeling?" I nodded "yeah great thanks still living." I joked but I don't think he found it very funny. "Well we have decided that we think you are going to be able to go home and recover now. Tomorrow we will discharge you and then you can go." I smiled. I was so excited to go home. So excited to spend time with Jordan again. Although I don't think I will see him too much. He has to go to school. Jordan smiled at me "that's great news Mia." He still hasn't really explained to me what actually happened. As far as I'm aware I was in a shop and it god robbed and I got shot. He won't tell me anything else. I swear I'll get it out of him eventually. I need to know.

Hold on~ Jordan Wilson Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ