Part 56~

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I haven't seen Jordan for about 6 weeks now. He was still in prison and I still had no idea what was going on. I got into sixth form though on a positive note and my first day was tomorrow. I wanted Jordan to be there. I wanted him to be proud of me. I also hadn't spoken to Jake or Chloe for the whole of Summer. Instead I had been staying with Missy and her new boyfriend and her sister. I really felt welcomed there though, like I was wanted. Jake could never look after me really, he could barely look after himself.

On my first day, I walked in with Missy and to my surprise Chloe was stood in-front of the entrance. Well well, if it isn't the druggies girlfriend and her skank of a mate." She said. "You what?" I saw Missy go for her but I held her back. "Druggy?" I asked confused. "Wait do you not know?" She laughed. I just stood there my face as pale as anything. "Your boyfriends a drug dealer." She said turning around continuing to laugh. I turned to Missy. "No, he would've told me. right?" I said to Missy. She gave me a smile and I knew what that mean't. After everything I had been through. Losing both of my parents basically losing contact with my brother and for what, him to be lying to me. "Come on, we will sort it." Missy said dragging me into the school.

I could barely look around. Standing in front of my locker was the last place I saw Jordan. I needed to find out what was going on. "Mia could I speak with you in my office?" Mrs Carter said walking towards me. "Yeah sure." I said being as blunt as possible. It felt like deja vu being in here. "Mia I know you haven't had any contact with Jordan, I just wanted you to know that the police have got in contact with the school and would like to ask you a few questions." She said. Did this mean I would get to see Jordan again. "Yeah okay, when?" I asked shaking from the pressure a little bit. "After school today. If you're up for it that is?" She asked. I slowly nodded my head. "Listen Mia I know you have been through so much and we are so proud of how far you have come, I'm going to be there with you and you don't have to answer any questions you don't want to okay?" She said. Again I just nodded politely. I didn't want her to think I was upset or worried. I just wanted to get it over and done with.

School came to an end very quickly that day. I had told Missy where I was going and she assured she would be home waiting for me. We were now stood outside the police station. "You ready?" Mrs Carter asked "Yes." I replied.

"Hello Mia, Thanks for coming in today. I know you are probably quite confused about what's going on and why we need to speak to you." I didn't reply. I didn't even know what to say to this man. "I just wanted to ask you a few questions and see if you are able to help us with our investigation." He said. Once again I said nothing. I could see in Mrs Carters eyes she was worried for me. Everybody knew I was a mess. "So Mia there has been a lot of problems in the area of people selling drugs to the youth. We have a few pictures of some people that we think Jordan might be involved with. I can't go into too much detail but something very bad has happened in the couple of months and we need to find these people." He said now quite aggressively. He spread out some pictures and I had a good look at a few. My eyes then set on one photo. My breathing stopped, my eyes started to water I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Dad?. That wasn't possible. He's dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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