Part 39~

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"Mia whats going on?" Jordan said as I got up out of my seat and ran towards the door. "Mia." He says again sounding very concerned. "I have to go." I said and ran out the door. Down the corridor. And out the front doors. I ran to the bus stop and got on the earliest bus possible. When I got that phone call I was shocked. I've not had a phone call off the hospital since my dad was in there. I save there number to my contacts just in case anything ever happened again. When they rang me to tell me my mum was rushed into hospital, I was speechless. It's like it's happening all over again. It reminded me back to when dad died.

I reached the hospital, and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket once again. I looked at it to see Jordan picking it up. I ignored it, because my mum was my priority right now. I ran to the front desk and asked if they knew where she was. "You can't go in love." I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see the doctor who used to look after my dad. "What's going on?" I asked tears forming in my eyes. "She's had a heart attack Mia." I couldn't believe this was happening. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked concerned. "No Mia." He said. I slid down the wall and broke down into tears. The doctor bent down and put his hand on my shoulder. "Mia is there anyone you can call?" He asks "Why does this keep happening to me." He gave me a hug. "Is she definitely going to die." He shook his head. "It would be amazing if she did kid. It's really had a bad effect on her body." I couldn't stop crying. I really needed Jordan. "Can I see her soon?" I asked he nodded "if you wait here you can come see her later." I nodded to him. I was speechless.

About 2 hours later, I was finally able to go and see her. Jordan had rang me about 300 times. I just wasn't in a good state of mind to speak to him. "Hi mum." I said sobbing" she was able to look at me but she could hardly talk. "I just want you to know I love you so much. And no matter what happens I'm gonna make you proud." I was in disbelief. Everything that's happened since I moved here. It's like a curse. I just wanted some comfort and support. I couldn't go through this again. I was to young to lose any of my parents let alone both. "I love you too." I heard her struggle to say. I'm glad I heard her say it. I needed to hear it. All of a sudden I heard the door open. Jordan walked in "how did you-?" I asked "I rang the hospital to see if any of your family had been in. They told me what happened Mia." I stood up. He hugged me. All of a sudden I felt no pain. Like there were no worries. "I'll let you be with her." He said about to walk out the door. "Stay?" I said with a sad expression. He didn't say anything, instead he sat down on the seat next to me and held my hand the whole way. I didn't care about anything that happened I just wanted to be with mum.

Hold on~ Jordan Wilson Where stories live. Discover now