Part 46~

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After school, I walked home crying, hood up, listening to my music. I felt like I was loosing everybody. I needed Jordan. That's all I needed. I unlocked my front door and and slammed it behind me. I saw Jake sitting at the table in the kitchen and I slipped past him so he didn't notice me crying. I ran into my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed. I thought about all the good times me and Jordan have had since I moved here. Even though I had been through so much he was always there. I sat up on my bed and opened my laptop. I got on with some of my work whilst carrying on listening to my music.

Without noticing I was awoken by a knocking at my door. I didn't realise I had fallen asleep. "Mia?" I heard a voice speak. The door slowly open and Jake walked in. He sat down on the side of my bed. "What's up?" He asked concerned. I hadn't opened up to Jake in a very long time. "I just feel like I'm slowly loosing everyone. I love Jordan but he hates me now. I haven't done anything to him." I say resting my head on Jakes shoulder. "Mum would be proud you know." He spoke I looked up at him "Would she?" I asked in disagreement. "Mia you have been through so much in such a small amount of time. Jordan loves you. He might just be finding it difficult to take it all in." He said sympathetically "I kn-." I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Jake got up off my bed and walked downstairs. I slowly followed him and listened from the top of the stairs discreetly. "Is Mia in?" It was Missy. "Erm sh-." I cut him of and ran down the stairs. "Hi." I said sadly. She ran in giving me a hug. "Mia I'm so sorry.I shouldn't have blamed you." She said sorrily. I appreciated her apology, but it's still not going to make Jordan forgive me for whatever he thinks I have done. "Thanks Missy. I really appreciate it." She grabbed my arm and sat me down on the sofa "So what are you wearing to prom?" She asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes. Shit. Forgot about that. "I'm not going." I said bluntly. She shook her head. "Erm yes you are." She said sternly "Jordan's annoyed at me. He probably doesn't want to go anyway." No matter what I said Missy was going to make me go. "Right so dress shopping tomorrow after school?" She asked nodding her head. I nodded back and really wish I'd just said no. This will kill me.
The next day Missy knocked on my front door. I really was dreading school today. I was going to try and attempt to talk to Jordan today no matter what he says. I walk in and Mrs Carter pulls me to the side. "Mia can I have a word?" She asked. Well, I don't really have a choice. The bell went meaning I was going to have to walk into assembly really late. How embarrassing. "Mia I just wanted to catch up with you. How are things?" She asked raising her eyebrow. "I mean could be better to be honest." I said sarcastically. She sighed. "I know Mia I'm sorry. I know you have been through a lot this year, and I just want you to know we're all really proud of you." She said "How are things with Jordan?"  She asked. I could feel a year forming in my eye but tried my best to hold it in "Better than ever." I said lying. Not that it was any of her business. "Can we go for a walk?" She asked. I was confused now. She's dragged me into her office and now she wants to go on a daily stroll round the fields. This woman's bloody confusing.

We walked outside and I looked ahead of me on the field and couldn't believe my eyes. He did this?
Okay I'm back now. Sorry I haven't uploaded in agessss. Will post again soon xx

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