Part 11~

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Safe to say I left that day and haven't returned since. It's been 3 days since I've gone into school and I've been so sad. I can't believe the way Jordan spoke to me. I'm glad he confessed his feelings to me but he scared me. A lot. He still doesn't know about my feelings for him and after me walking out yesterday, I doubt he feels the same way. I guess I really fucked up this time.

I woke up to knocking on my front door. I looked at my phone that had been on airplane mode for the past 3 days because I didn't want to be disturbed. I looked at my phone that read 9 am. It wasn't mum at the door cause she was at work. I opened my window and looked out to reveal a worried looking Missy. "I'll be down in a sec!!" I scream at Missy as I grab my dressing gown and run down stairs.

I open the door and Missy engulfs me in a hug. "What's wrong babe. We've been worried sick. Was about to send a search party out for ya ." I laughed. "I'm alright Missy I'm just really heartbroken over Jordan and I really miss my dad." I'd never really opened up to Missy before, so I told her everything. For once I felt like someone was actually listening to me. "... so yeah I've decided to have a break from everything." She sighed. "Mia I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do you know I always got your back." She walks towards the door but abruptly turns around "Oh and don't worry about Jordan. The boys a keeper. It's not often you would hear that come out of his mouth." Maybe she was right. No I've promised myself I'm not going to get involved. I'm just going to carry on with my life as I was going to before.

I grabbed my phone and decide to take it off airplane mode. 25 missed calls from Missy
            17 iMessages from Missy
            12 missed calls from Nas
             10 messages from Nas
And nothing from Jordan. That's sad. Oh well he really is showing me his true colours at the moment. I went onto Snapchat and I had one unopened message from Jordan 2 days ago. I half swiped because I really didn't want to open it.
Sorry. Hope your not mad.
Is that it. I'm so angry. He's not seen me at school for 3 days and he's not even got the decency to message me and ask me if I'm okay. I'm back in tomorrow. Even if it means I cry my way into school. I'll play this boy at his own game

Hold on~ Jordan Wilson Where stories live. Discover now