Part 30~

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I woke up a wreck. I'd been silently crying the whole night. I couldn't let it effect me though. My exams were more important to me. I needed to focus on them.

I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. I hadn't bothered to put on any makeup and my eyes were all droopy. As soon as I walked in I saw the dreaded couple. Or that's what I assume they were called. I wasn't really watching where I was going as I was too focused on them all over each other and I ended up bumping into someone. I looked up to see Riz standing in front of me. "What's wrong." He mouthed to me. I ushered over to Jordan and Chloe with my eyes and Riz looked over his shoulder and tapped my shoulder. "Don't worry I'll sort it." I didn't know what he meant by that. He walked off heading towards the table of sixth formers. I went over to Missy who was sitting at a table eating breakfast. "Toast?" She says handing me a piece off her plate. "What's up with you today?" Shes says as I snatch the piece of toast out of her hands. "Turn around and you will see." I said biting into my toast. "Ugh that stupid bitch. Why would he choose her over you anyways." I pulled a face "no clue but he's downgraded." I said laughing with Missy joining in.

Breakfast was over and I went and met up with Riz. We did our second experiment and I think he was just trying to keep my mind off the whole Jordan situation. I decided to bring up what he said to me earlier. "Riz what did you mean about sorting out Jordan." He looked at me and gulped. "Nothing kid, it was just a figure of speech." He was dead blunt. I knew he was lying to me. "Why'd u think he dropped me for Chloe?" I asked "I don't know but it was dead stupid of him." I looked at him confused. "What do you mean by that." He looked away. "I just mean your nice and she's just a straight up weirdo." He mumbled. "I don't really know if I should take that as a compliment." I said laughing and soon enough I got a laugh out of him. Suddenly the fire alarm started going off. Everyone started heading outside, mean and Riz following. "What's going on?" I ask Missy who was walking next to me. "No idea." She said shaking her head. "Right. Who set it off?" I heard Mr Hyatt as he came storming out the building. "Jord just tell him. It was an accident." Chloe said. Wow what a snake. "Is there something you need to tell me Jordan?" Mr Hyatt asked. "Yeah it was an accident, our experiment went wrong." He said kicking a stone around. "Right well thanks for owning up Wilson. I think you should stay out of e next activity tomorrow." He said looking him dead in the eye. Chloes so two faced.

It was nearly dinner. I went into this break room we had and sat with Missy. "What do you think all that was about?" She said curiously. "Dunno, all I know is that she's a snake." I said loud enough for her to hear. Me and Missy looked over giving her a sarcastic bitchy wave as we noticed her staring. "I'm just going toilet I'll be back in a minute." I say as I get up heading out of the break room. As I walk down the corridor. I see Riz and a couple of boys surrounding someone. Riz was holding someone by the collar and I just stood there hoping they didn't notice me. "What the fuck is your problem." Riz said "what the fuck are u on about?" I recognise that voice. It was Jordan. Why was Riz doing this. "You dropped Mia for that piece of dirt." He spat at Jordan. I ran over trying to get through. "Riz. Riz stop!" I said. Riz let him down. "You happy now Mia you got what you wanted." Jordan screamed at me. Suddenly Riz punched Jordan round the face knocking him out. Before I could go and see if he was ok, I recognised a bitchy voice running down the corridor. "What are you doing to my Jord?" Chloe said. Me and Riz just looked at each other rolling are eyes and then laughed. I had to walk away. I was angry at Riz and I was angry at Jordan. I couldn't turn back and just tell everyone to go fuck themselves. I ran down the corridors to the toilets and slammed the door behind me. I walked over to the mirror looking at myself. Look at me. Look what this school is turning me into. I thought to myself. It really is driving me crazy.

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