Part 28~

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I was broken. I'd lost him. I don't think I'll ever have him back. I had to carry on though. I had school today, but I promised Missy I'd help her get ready for her date tonight with Riz. I woke up early so that I could do my makeup. I haven't worn makeup to school in ages. I put on my black Nike Air Force 1s along with my tights and my skirt, shirt, blazer and tie. I was debating wearing a hoodie but I knew Jordan would make a comment. I looked like a bad bitch today. I knew I would get in trouble though, Miss Carter has been really strict at the moment.

I walk up to Missy and Nas as usual. "Babe you look like a baddie today." Missy exclaimed. I smiled. "That's cause I am." I said and flipped my hair. I was nervous to see Jordan today. Me and Missy walked off to science. At least I got to sit with her today. I had to go to the toilet before I went to lesson. It meant I was going to be late. I didn't care though, this was what I was like before I moved here.
I was a bit nervous walking in though. I opened the door "Nice of you to join us." Mr Hyatt said. I just smiled. Miss smiled waving me over. I didn't even acknowledge Jordan's existence. "Hey why were you late?" Missy asked "Toilet emergency." I said rolling my eyes whilst she burst into hysterics. I saw Jordan looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I tried not to make it too obvious I was sort of looking.  I wasn't listening, until I actually heard our teacher say something interesting "So on Friday we will be going on a trip to test out some real science. We will be staying a couple of nights in London, so please be prepared, I'll be handing out letters at the end of the lesson." Great a trip. A weekend with Jordan. The terrors that I have in my head right now. This could go two ways. I'm dreading Friday.

I walked into the canteen where I was stopped by Mr Bell. "Hey kid could I av a word?" I nod a bit concerned. We walk down to isolation. "So what happened with you and Jordan." I rolled my eyes again. God does everyone know already. "What do you mean, he broke up with me? How did u know anyway?" I said annoyed. "Jordan just seems very angry today, so I know something has happened as he's been fine recently." I laughed "yeah well he broke up with me so that sounds like a him problem." I said. What did he actually want me to say. Yeah it was all me, I'm making him annoyed so he has every right to be angry with me. "Alright kid off you go, I'll see if I can speak to him." I give him a weak smile and walk off back to get my lunch. Missy gives me a look. "What was all that about?" She asks "don't ask." I say and I just change the subject. "Sooooo are you excited for tonight?" I ask her. I'm so happy for her. "Yes I'm so excited." She says and me and Nas laugh. I can't stop thinking about what's going to happen on Friday.

Hold on~ Jordan Wilson Where stories live. Discover now