Part 32~

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I walked out the bathroom in pain. I looked at my phone to realise I was 30 minutes late for Art. Great so Jordan's gonna see me like this. I managed to clear most o the blood, but my eye had started to bruise. I was terrified to go in.

I walked through the door without knocking. "Well Mia, nice to see you here nice and early." She looked at me again noticing my eye. She didn't say anything though, I think she didn't want to embarrass me. I looked over to Jordan, who was already sitting down in his seat. Surprise. He's usually later than that. I sat down next to him. The tension was awful and all I could feel was his eyes burning onto my eye. I could feel a load of interrogation coming on. "What happened to your eye?" He said about 10 minutes later. "Why do you care?" I scoffed. "Because your all beaten up?" He said like I was being stupid. Well if it wasn't for his stupid girlfriend, I wouldn't be in this situation, and we would be going on our day as usual. I decided to take my phone out and text Missy.
Me-Chloe just beat the shot out of me in the toilet lmao

Missy- Shut up I'm gonna fucking kill her.

I laughed at Missy's comment. I lifted my head pretending to listen to the teacher. "Chloe did that to you?" He said. Obviously he had been watching my conversation to Missy on my phone. "Nosey Much?" I said. "Why did she do it?" He asked again. I just shrugged my shoulders and luckily the bell went. I wanted to tell him why she did it. But I was to afraid of anymore confrontation off Chloe. I sped out of the classroom as quickly as I could. As I did, I ran into Mr Bell. "Hey watch it kid your gonna knock someone over." He said laughing until he saw my eye. "God that's a beauty, who gave u that." I just stood there "walked into a door sir." He laughed "yeah like I haven't heard that one before. Cmon" he said ushering me into isolation. "Who did this to you. You were fine this morning Mia." I rolled my eyes "I don't want to talk about it sir." I sighed "Alright Mia. I'm here if you want to eventually talk about it." He said smiling. I smiled back got up and walked out of isolation and headed towards the canteen. As I walked in. Everyone and when I mean everyone, I'm not exaggerating was staring at me. Well I mean my eye. I see Nas out of the corner of my eye. "Mia oh my god what happened?" She said embracing me into a hug. "I swear my luck at this school is just getting worse." She smiled "it's okay, who did this?" "Chloe." I said looking her dead in the eye. Her mouth gaped open with shock. "That bitch." She said "Missy's gonna kill her tomorrow. I looked round and saw Chloe. She was staring at me smirking. As if she was proud of what she did or something. I didn't see Jordan with her though. I saw her get up and I bolted it out of the canteen. I heard someone running after me. I thought it was Chloe but it wasn't. It was Riz. "Mia are you okay." I just shook my head  "No" I said honestly. "I can't believe she did that to you." He said sternly "how did yo-." He tapped his nose "I have my sources." He said laughing. "Anyway dont let her get to you, she's not worth it. She's gonna get a battering tomorrow." I laughed. I knew he was referring to Missy. "I'd batter her myself but it wouldn't be fair." I said trying to big myself up. "Yeah your a tough guy." He said chuckling to himself. The canteen door swung open. I see a fuming Jordan walk out . "You have some nerve showing your face." And in a flash Jordan had Riz pinned up against the wall. "Jordan please. Let him go." He looked at me in the eyes. He let him go and walked off.

It was the end of the day. I started walking out the entrance of school with Nas. I saw people running and screaming coming from outside. "Your just a little bitch." I heard. "If I fucking beat the shit out of you, how would you fucking feel. She's never done anything to you. This little thing you forced me into. The blackmail. It's over. I don't give a fuck what you do. Your never gonna hurt her again. Not as long as I'm around do you hear?" It was Jordan. He was screaming his lungs out at Chloe. I saw Cory trying to hold him back. He was doing this for me. All the boys seemed to have his back now. "That girls been through hell and back. You never gave a fuck cause your a fucking creep. Your obsessed. She's the only thing I've ever cared for. Your not gonna get in the fucking way of that." As I listened. I knew. Nas was right. There's 2 sides to every story. His side wasn't heard. She had something against him. I didn't want him to know I was there, but I did at the same time. Chloe turned around and looked at me "You got what you want bitch. Your happily welcome to him." She said pushing past me as she walked off. The crowd of people around started laughing. "Some people never learn." I heard Zain say and I just shook my head laughing.

I didn't want to make Jordan anymore angry so I went home and decided to just leave it till tomorrow. I suddenly got a text
Jordan- I'm so sorry. Meet me tomorrow morning and I'll explain everything. J x
And that's when I hoped everything would start looking up.

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