Part 22~

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Mia's POV
It's been about 2 weeks since I've been home. Jordan's basically been round every night bringing me food, and I've adored him for it. I'm allowed to go back to school today. I'm a bit nervous, I don't know how people are going to react. I also STILL don't know what happened that night of the accident. I'm going to try and get it out of someone at school today.

I get ready for school and as soon as I know it we're by the school gates. My mum turns to me "now if you need to come home or you need me to drop anything into school just ring me and I'll be straight here." She kissed me on the forehead "Thanks Mum I will." And I hop out of the car. I'm still on crutches, and I hate them. I hobble in and see Missy and Nas. They'd been visiting a bit during my rest. "Omg girl we've missed you." She screamed giving me a hug. "Be careful Miss she's still injured." Sue said and we all laughed. "Im glad to be back. I've missed this shithole." I say a bit too loudly as I didn't realise Miss Carter was standing about 3 metres away from me. "Ah Mia nice to have you back." She smiles and I wave my crutch when I heard something fall over. "Shit." I looked down to see Jordan lying on the floor hand on his head. "Not the welcome I was expecting on your first day back." He said laughing and stood up. "I'm so sorry Jordan." I say. I always fuck up somehow with this boy. "It's okay." He says and grabs my shoulders. "I'm so happy to have you back" he says and give me a gentle hug. "I'll talk later." He says walking backwards while looking me up and down smirking. He gave me so many butterflies. And with that he walked off into school.

I went to my locker for the first time as I walked into school. When I opened it I grabbed a few of my things that I'd left in their. Suddenly my locker slams shut. Cory. "Mia look I'm so sorry. If I could change what happened I would-." He was interrupted to Riz pulling him back. What does he mean if he could change what happened. I know he was there when I go shot, but I don't know why he's sorry.

The first lesson I had today was English. I was excited because I had both Missy and Jordan in my class. I got put next to Missy on my first day though, so Jordan sits across the room. "Morning, quiet." Miss Keane says as she looks my way. "Oh looks as though we have a returner.Welcome back Mia." She says sympathetically. I waved. "So as you all know today is the day we're going to Re-enact a scene from Romeo and Juliet." Everyone sighs. Even me. "So today our Romeo and Juliet are going to be. Jordan." My heart drops. "Is he going to be Juliet." Zain says and everyone laughed. Jordan just fake laugh to him giving him fathering eyes. "And out Juliet is going to be Mia." Missy looked at me smiling. Along with the whole class to be truthful. Uh oh.  Right get a seat and put it in the middle of the classroom so Mia can sit down. Everyone stand in a circle around please. Hurry!"
And with that I was walking to the seat in the middle of the room setting my crutches down next to me. "Right go!"
"My name,dear saint, is hateful to myself"
"Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?"
"Neither fair maid of either thee dislike
With loves light wings did not o'eperch these walls For stony limits cannot hold love out." Jordan is now on one knee talking to me. I giggle a little. And with that the bell goes and everyone claps. Missy looks at me giving me a thumbs up. "Kiss.kiss.kiss." Zain shouts taking the piss a little bit. I look at Jordan and he just laughs. "Rightttt now everyone that's how you re-enact Romeo and Juliet. See you tomorrow." And with that everyone disperses the room. It's just me and Jordan. "That was fun." I say and he gives me a dirty look. What did I do this time. "What's wrong." I said sadly "Nothing I'll see you later."
I'm so confused with this boy. He's so nice to me for a period of time. And now I'm back at school and he hates me again, What the fuck is going on with this kid.
Heyyyyyy hope you liked this part. Let me know whether you want me to bring Jordan's POV back in or just to keep it as Mia's xxxx

Hold on~ Jordan Wilson Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin