Eternal Flame

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(Amber POV)

Amber flew towards a clearing in the mountains, her tail whiled in the air, the current she was flying on weakened and she dove down, into a forest of vines. She crashed onto a tiny patch of purple and blue flowers, she sat down, waiting for Leopard to dive down as well.

Finally her friend, came crashing down,

"Okay, where is this secret place your taking me too?" Leopard asked, her wings were tangled in vines, Amber giggled, helping to brush the plants off.

"It's just throught these plants." Amber said, well opening the vines up, light poured out throught the invading growth, and Amber went throught the path way, Leopard sighed, continuing as well.

Amber smiled, she smelled the air, as they began to see less and less vines, they walked, then came up towards a hidden valley, it's wheat plans, whistled and flowed with the wind. Amber walked throught the plag field, coming across a river, there across the river was a tiny island, set up with one nest, filled with flowers. Amber splashed into the river, crossing it and looked into the nest, she pulled out a flower crown, then placed it onto her horns, and pulled out a second flower crown, she held it up high, and crossed the river, making sure not to get the sparkling flowers wet, she crossed the river once more, and came up to Leopard, she was sitting on a hill, and had her eyes closed. Amber placed the flower crown onto her horns as well. Leopard opened her eyes, and felt the crown, she grinned.

Amber grinned as well, and sat down next to Leopard, her wings fluttered feeling the wind. Amber took in a breath, she wished she could stay here for ever, forever with her friend, and forever in this field. Finally after a few minutes Amber got up and stretched, she walked down the hill, and came across the river, again, there she picked up a bowl of water, and started to drink out of it. She released all of the tension in every muscle of her body, standing still, as if frozen.

"It's getting late." A voice behind her claimed, Amber turned her head, it was Leopard, she had taken off the flower crown, and held it her her talons. Leopard handed her the crown, and Amber sighed.

"Alright." Amber said well crossing the river, she placed her's and Leopard's crown into the nest. She turned around, to find Leopard already heading towards the vine forest, Amber followed.
(Serpent POV)

Serpent sat awake in his cave, he had lit a small fire, and was doing some last minute checking on his map. He traced the finally river, and sighed, releaved he was finally done with his map, he rolled it up, and placed it under his ledge, hiding it with some rocks. Serpent was smart, he wasn't going to have some dragon come in and steal his map, it was quit important to him.

"Hello?" A shadow came up to his cave's entrance he jumped, standing up straight, the shadow giggled and came closer, revealing the face of Amber, Serpent relaxed, and smiled.

"Hi." He replied coming up to Amber and hugging her, Amber smiled.

"Where have you been?" Serpent asked, he had been searching for quit some time now. Amber played with her talons, still smiling.

"Places." She answered, smirking at him, he luaghed.

"Alright." He said, well walking back to his desk and sitting back down, Amber walked towards him, sitting across from where he had sat.

"What have you been doing here, it seemes like a hole pack of water buffelo stampeded into here." She giggled, Serpent looked around onto his desk, she wasn't wrong, the ink was spilled, he had stained all of his talons, and wrinkled up scroll pieces were thrown all over the place.

"Well, I was-working on something." He said, well starting to clean up.

"Hmm." Amber started, she grabbed a towel and started to wipe up the spilled ink on the desk.

"Thanks." He grinned, Amber nodded.

"No promblem." She sweetly said. She got up and started to walk towards the entrance,

"Good night, Serpent." She smiled, well walking throught the entrance, Serpent smiled back at her.

He sighed,

"Alright, Camelon." He took out the map from behind the rocks.

"Where are you?"
( Leopard POV)

Leopard sat down onto her ledge, Amber had really tired her out, she grabbed a scroll, and continued on where she had left off, the scroll's name was: Enternal Flame

It was said to hold a torch with a flame enchanted to light up for ever, hince the name.

Leopard kept reading, the enchantment was put on by an Icewing royal, it was said to light up the darkness when ever they would invade the nightwings, so the nightwings couldn't attack by surprise. Leopard continued reading.

When the light of the torch goes out, it relights it's self, as if a dragon was there ready with another torch, the light's glow is said to be bright blue, showing honor and power. When a dragon holds the torch up towards darkness, it glows as bright as the sun itself, illuminating the night, some say the shadow given off by the torch is shaped as an Icewing, wearing a crown, like its creator's spirit was always attached to the light. If a dragon were to consume this light, the dragon itself would glow as bright as the stars, the lights history is described, as stolen, the skywing's were accused, saying it was how they had fire scales, the skywings denied this. And now the light, is hidden, in a dark, but lite cave, some dragons went off to look for it, all returned with nothing, if they ever returned. There is a map, somewhere on Pyrrhia, some say it's held in the night kingdom, but others believe not, in this mysterious enchantment, but I, have spent my entire life time, searching for this legend and even I have not found any trace of this item, it's forever lost, and forever haunted.


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