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(Spark POV)

Spark landed inside the cave, she had found.
She sighed, and walked forward, she heard a crunch when she put her hand down, and she immediately let out a scream of discussed.

She looked forward, and let out a sigh of relief, she had only stepped on bones, she sniffed them, it had different dragon scents all around them, Spark hissed,
"I now those scents oh too well." She brushed the bones away, and sat still, thinking.

She had left in a hurry, and of course she had forgotten a map, which meant she would either have to go find one, or....go back to Jade Mountain.
"I'd rather, try my luck with finding a random map." She admitted,


She walked in the forest, hoping to find any prey to cure her hunger, a bird flew past her, and Spark immediately tried to tackle it, but she had not cuaght it, and it flew away as fast as she could react, she growled.
"Dumb bird." Spark sat down, digging her claws into the dirt.

She needed to camp for the night, it was getting late.


She set up camp in the den she had found, she chewed on some deer Spark had found, she lad in the far corner of the den, as if she was swallowed by darkness,

Spark squinted, seeing a dim light up ahead.
She got up slowly, making her way over to the light, she froze as she saw a female nightwing holding a lantern, Spark immediately hid behind a tree, keeping a close eye on the dragon, she slid to another tree closer to the lantern.

"I know your there." The nightwing growled,
moving her lantern towards Spark, Spark hurried back as the light revealed her face.
"Now, now little one, don't be afraid, see there's plenty of room." The nightwing gestured for her to sit, Spark gulped and sat across the nightwing.

"What's your name?" The nightwing asked, putting down the lantern, and sitting down as well.

"I'm Spark." She answered,

"Oh, a princess we have in our talons, tell me what brings you out here?"

"I'm looking for some run aways." Spark starred at the nightwing, she had multiple scars on her body,

"Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to stare." The nightwing hissed, she got up, and sat back down, closer to the darkness this time, Spark looked around her,
"Sorry, and what do they call you ?" Spark asked her, nightwing took a moment to answer,

"Not irrelevant." The nightwing said, Spark was about to speak, but the nightwing spoke first.

"Tell me more about aways." The nightwing asked,

"Well, most of them are hybrids, but two are pure, let's see, an Icewing, skywing, Sandwing-Nightwing, Rainwing-Nightwing, and Skywing-Mudwing." Spark said,
"Interesting group." The nightwing huffed,
Spark nodded,

"Yes they sure are, I'm hoping they'll give me a clue to the ware about of Camelon, that skywing said they were looking for some map, but I know better." The nightwing froze,

"Tell me more about this, Camelon." She insisted,

"Well, from my understanding, he's a total idiot, he tried to kill some famous dragonets, and now he's the villain everyone's talking about."

"Villian is such a harsh word, don't you think?" The nightwing asked,

"Not really." Spark said,

"How would you know, if this dragon is a villain, have you ever met him?" The nightwing asked, curiously.

"Well no-" Spark started,

"Well then it's settled, you don't know anything about this dragon, yet you dare call him a villain, and or an idiot." The nightwing snarled, Spark glared at her,
"Like you can say anything, I bet you, you've never met him in your entire life." Spark grinned,

"How much are you willing to bet?" The nightwing smiled,

"If I were to tell you I worked for him." The nightwing asked,

"I'd say your lying." Spark laughed,

"I'm not a liar." The nightwing hissed,

"Ok, you've met him, so?" Spark said,

"So, if you've never met a dragon, how could you call him such things?" The nightwing asked, Spark shrugged.

"Well perhaps, you could show me to him?" Spark insisted,
"Then I could really tell him, he's an idiot to his face." Spark waited for quite some time, but the nightwing did and said nothing, Spark got up and started to walk off.

"That's what I thought." She grinned, suddenly everything went black, as she was knocked over the head.


Spark woke up to blackness,

"W-where am I?!" Spark demanded, she couldn't see anything,

"Well, well, well, if it is it the little cocky dragonet I met in the woods, how's the head?" Spark recognized the the females voice.

"It's you!" Spark hissed,

"Yes it's me." The nightwing smiled,

"I believe you wanted to meet Camelon yes?" The nightwing didn't wait for an answer, suddenly light filled the room, and a green Rainwing stood infront of her.

"Hello, little dragonet, my apologies, I did not wish to hurt you." Camelon grinned,

"Really?" Spark asked,

"Why of course not." Camelon gasped,

"Why would I ever hurt a dragon?" Camelon asked,
"It's kinda your biggest story." Spark hissed,

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm afraid you can't listion to every thing you hear, darling." Camelon smiled,

"Don't call me darling." Spark growled,

"My apologies." Camelon said,

"What shall I call you then?" Camelon asked,

"In the woods she said her name was Spark." The female dragon said,

"Ah, Spark, pretty name, for such a pretty dragon." Camelon said, Spark rolled her eyes,

"Oh shut up, this act isn't fooling anyone, your the villain!" Spark yelled,

"Why Spark, I would expect more from such a brilliant dragon yourself, surly you would understand, that I am no villain." Camelon smiled,

"Uh ah." Spark hissed,

"Please, Spark, allow me to host you in my home, there's a guest bed room just straight down this hall way, you look exhausted."

"Well I-" She started,

"Camelon has spoken." The nightwing said, well pushing her down the hall, the nightwing guided her to the room,

"Sleep tight." She grinned,

"Oh and to answer your question, they call me Assasin."

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