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(Amber POV)

"I hate you", Amber screamed into a jar of jam,
"I hate you". She screamed once more, Peril came into the room, freezing watching her, she walked up to Amber and hugged her.
"I hate you", Amber screamed, Peril glared at her,
Amber looked up noticing her mother, she smiled. Getting up and walked out of the room.
~~~~#>~~~~#>~~~~#>~~~~~~#>~~~~~~(Amber POV)

Amber walked up to her sibs which were playing in the woods, they had found a cove of flowers in the forest and had been inventing with them. Amber smiled at them, she was the big wings, she was the hero, her sibs were her responsibility, if anything happened to them it would be her fault. That night Amber, Topaz and Muddy, we're walking in the woods. They had been surching for mud. Ther father had told them they could look, but only for an half an hour. So they had to hurry. As they were walking Amber heard a crack in the forest.

She spun her head twirling around, it was nothing she could see, she shrugged.

Then suddenly her whole body went dark, she couldn't see, she squeaked and screamed, and soon she felt a heat inside of her. It wasn't like a fire spreading, it was a flame, it sparked something inside of Amber, and as it sparked the bag burned, allowing Amber to fall out.

Amber couldn't see much but she could see the outline of the two dragons who had tried to place her in a bag. She growled stepping forward, and as she hissed, the ground under her hissed as well.

The grass she had steeped in turned into flames, this way she could see the two dragons, they were black, what was the name for these dragons, Night stars, no. Night wings Amber remembered.

The one holding the burnt bag jumped up into the air, ending up in the others arms, the female growled and the male fell to the ground, right at the foot of Amber, he scurried back. Amber hissed, but the female just came closer.

"You think your so brave, well then, let me show you brave". The nightwing flipped her tail back, hitting Amber. Amber's body smacked into a tree, hitting her wing, she groaned, for the pain was ever lasting.

"Are you brave now"? The female ask, she smiled and put her into a spare bag. The female came up to Topaz and Muddy smirking.
"Boss, wants you too". So she snatched them up taking them to the mountains.
(Amber POV)

Amber groaned, her ribs felt like they were crushed. She managed to get up, looking around in her surroundings, she spotted two dots moving. Amber growled, when her vision cleared she saw it was her sibs, standing over her. Topaz smiled,
"You alright"! She said, her smile spread onto Muddy. Amber groaned,
"No, everything feels like fire". Amber heard a foot step, she kissed at it. A dragonet came into view.
"Are-are you alright", he asked, Amber noticed he had better speech then she did, and he didn't seem like he belong here, he seemed like he was an actual caring dragon not some assassin, so she stoped hissing.
"Yes-no", Amber replied.
The dragon was black with a hint of purple. He came up to her helping her sit up,
"I'm sorry", he said with a tear running down his cheek, Amber frowned,
"Who are you"? Before the dragon could answer, two nightwings came into the room,
"Get up", one ordered, Amber graoned, this wasn't the same dragons from before,
"No", she said, Amber's mother had told her what to do in a situation like this.
The dragon growled.
"You can't hurt me, I'm your target, but you want me alive". Amber had rerunned this sentence every day, for it was always possibility for this to happen, so her speech was quit well. The dragon growled,
"Think agian", the dragon punched her in the wing, Amber growled, biting his fist before it could make an impact. The dragon stumbled back, he held his pleading fist, he growled back.
With his other arm he started to drag Amber by the wing.

soon Amber could feel the cold shiver of the air. She knew where she was,
"The Sky-kingdom!" Amber thought, as the air gave more and more chill, they grew closer and closer to an arena.  Soon enough, Amber had been thrown inside of it. She stumbled up, ignoring the pain it caused.

A dragon came forward.
"Welcome, to my arena, for those who believe this is Queen Scarlets ring, you are mistaken. For this is my ring. We have hidden it, under this mountain, that once belonged to the Dragonets of Destiny. For today's entertainment, I have a very special dragonet, Amber of the skywings ", everyone screamed at her, in enjoyment,
"Good luck gnat", said a skywing, "She'll get ripped apart", yelled another, "And for her opponent, the one the only Bamboo", a rainwing stepped out of the ring, glaring at the much smaller dragon. Amber steadied herself. There was no way she was going to win, but she could dodge. As Bamboo ran toward her, Amber slide under her, biting the back of her tail, Bamboo stripped her off, holding her by the neck, glaring at her, Amber reached for her eye, but Bamboo dodged her talons, throwing her on the flour.  Amber sheirked, the pain from her broken wing and ribs were too much, she was stunned and put into shock, as she curled into a ball. Bamboo smiled, and opened her mouth to do the unthinkable. And spat out her venom.
(Amber POV)

"Why", Amber thought as she curled into her ball, "Why, what's so special about me? If I die I can't protect my sibs, my friends or my-my family! No, I will not die, not here, not now"! Amber screamed, she curled out of her ball, and leaped for bamboo, everything seemed to become slow motion. As she came closer the venom did too. And as it hit her wing, the flare came back, her eyes glowed, into an indigo, and as she stood up, she started to fly, her broken wing and ribs were healed, the venom wound did as well, she flared into a fire ball, aiming or what was Bamboo, as Amber continued to hit nothing, she stopped, looking around, the arena faded, and Amber woke, to find herself in her den.
Amber was confused what had happened to the arena? Amber groaned, her ribs nor wing hurt, but something tingled, she looked down, and found a venom wound on her wing,
"So it wasn't a dream"? She said confused.
"Well, then what happened"?
(Amber POV)

"You Catus head, if you had just finished her I wouldn't had have to used the amulet"! Bamboo sheirked down into a tinier stand,
"I'm-Im sorry sir", The dragon growled,
"Sorry?! Sorry won't fix it"! Bamboo sat up straight,
"I will make it up to you sir"! He growled
"You better", Bamboo nodded.

Later that night Bamboo met with the two assassins that had captured her in the first place.
"What do you want". The female asked,
"We already did the job", Bamboo shook her head,
"No, I have another job, the same one", the nightwing turned her head,
"Oh really". Bamboo nodded,
"Yes, bring her back".
The nightwing thought for a second,
"Fine"! Bamboo smiled,
"Oh thank you", she said gratefully, the nightwing nodded,
"Yes, yes, your welcome, soon, in the future you will get your praise from Camilion".

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