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This was it, Jade Mountain, everyone would hate him! Everyone should hate him,

"But what will they do, will they kill me?! Lock  me up?!" Shadowfall was going into a nervous reck.

"There not going to kill you, maybe lock you up, but they won't kill you." Shadowfall froze he knew that voice.

"Constellation? Your alive?!"
He looked to his side, and sure enough there in Serpents arms being carried was Constellation, with her glowing sparkling eyes, and her-

"Shoot your a mind reader, Arnt you?" Shadowfall frowned, Constellion giggled,

"Ow, oh note, it hurts to giggle, or laugh or to do anything!"

Shadowfall felt awful,
"I'm sorry, I tried to help-"

Shadowfall started, seeing her partially hidden dark silver tear drop...

"It's not your fault well it kinda is, but not really you brought me blankets and food and water! I really appreciate that by the way."
Constellation smiled at him, Shadowfall grinned,

"So you are a mind reader?" Shadowfall asked, Constellation nodded,

"Oh great....what have you heard?" Shadowfall nervously asked,

Constellation smiled.

"Things." She replied.
(Amber POV)

Amber landed on a ledge onto Jade Moutian, she looked around, everyone was just ignoring her.


The dragons she pointed at, just stared at her,

"NOW!" She screamed, they all obeyed her running in different directions, Amber looked back, at the group, Leopard was the first to speak,

"Amber? Are you okay?" Leopard asked, moving closer to her,

"Of course I'm ok, why?" Amber yelled,
Leopard grinned weirdly.

"It's just-well-" Leopard started,

Amber walked off, she couldn't deal with everyone right now, they shouldn't be worrying about her, they should be worried about Constellation, and Scorch, and....Shadowfall

She sighed, then started to walk into the school, she couldn't help but notice there were more dragons then usual in these halls, or maybe it was normal these days, sense she hadn't been here for awhile.

She kept her head down, wings tucked into her side, but something stopped her.

Two skywing guards stood infront of her,

"Bow, for the Queen!" One of them ordered, Amber growled,

"There's no need for that." A calm voice, said, the guards looked back, and widened there eyes, bowing and making a path, Queen Ruby stood beside them.

"Amber, the last time I saw you, you were a little dragonet, I've heard you've made quit the stir." Ruby smiled,

Amber grinned, she ran up to the skywing Queen, and swung her arms around Ruby, the guards twichted alittle as she ran, but allowed her to continue, Ruby hugged back, Amber stuffed her head into Ruby's chest, Ruby pulled away from the hug, still keeping her grip on Amber, her straight grin, fell...

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you?" Ruby said, worried.

Amber looked down at her talons, starring at her fresh wounds and old scars.

"Camelon he cuaght me, he had help, but I'm not the only one who got hurt, this is nothing you should see Comstellion and the others, they need help!" Amber chirped,

"It's all taken care of." A deep soothing voice ran through the halls, Amber's ears pricked,

"Dad!" She screamed, running throught the crowd, into a bulky set of arms, she hugged tight, tears reaching her cheeks.

"Oh, and what am I? A dried up lizard?!" A tiny dragonet said naggingly, Amber giggled at Topaz,

"No, more like an annoying mosquito." Amber corrected, Topaz frowned, Amber smiled, her eyes red, Muddy followed Clay, he swung his arms around Amber, Clay holding nearly as tight as Muddy,

"Why are you two so excited-?" Peril began, walking up to the crowd, as all the dragonets scattered at the sight of the firescales, Peril could see what they were hugging, her eyes widened, seeing her daughter and ran over to her, hugging her as well.

By then, Amber was full out sobbing, she couldn't keep it in any more, she acted okay, she had felt okay, but she wasn't, she could feel it now, something inside of her had grown a new, and she wasn't sure if it was good or bad.
(Leopard POV)

One month later...

Leopard laid quietly on her ledge, her eyes slowly awakened as the shining sun hit her face, she yawned, stretching.

She got up slowly, looking across from her, the ledge that her friend had filled was empty. Leopard shrugged, a lot had happened this month, Amber had gotten a therapist for her...troubles, Serpent had started to begin a new interest in hunting down Camelon, Shadowfall had been excepted back into Jade Moutian, but he was still being guarded every second, night and day, Redwood had suddenly decided to actually take a major in history, the dragon named Scorch (who had helped them) had decided to help run Jade Mountain, and finally Constellion was making a full recovery, so that was a full relief off of every dragon's wing....And Leopard had decided to help Serpent track down this Comelion, if he was really as dangerous as Serpent put him out to be, then he had to go.

Leopard steadied herself, and grabbed a bag swinging it around her neck, it make a thump noise as it hit its target, Leopard uncomfortably grabbed a few scrolls, neatly putting them inside the purse, as she started to walk out into the entrance of the hall way, she quickly grabbed the scroll container and hit it, allowing it to peruse around her wing, into a more suitable position, Leopard grinned, and put one hand infront of her, starting to walk...

"Good Mourning!" Screamed Amber,

Leopard stumbled back, "Amber you have to stop doing that!" She yelped, stopping to take control of her racing heart beat, Amber giggled, walking over to her friend, and swung her wing around Leopard, Leopard sighed,

"How was your therapist today?" Leopard asked well checking to see if her bag still held all of her needed scrolls, Amber shrugged,
"Same as always, she says I'm making progress, like I know what that means!" She said, sarcastically.

Leopard shook her head, smiling, then started to make her way down the halls, Amber followed,

"So where you headen?" Amber asked, still walking,
"Library, you?" Leopard responded,
"Prey center." Amber said this well leaping into the air, Leopard giggled, she could see Amber's scars were so close to healing, especially the mental scars.

"I can drop by the prey center if you'd like?" Leopard suggested, Amber thought for a moment,
"It's fine, I know you have a test coming up in math." Amber grinned, Leopard nodded,

"Well, here's my stop." Amber smirked, rushing off into the crowded den, Leopard smiled, then started to walk off towards the library.
Hey guys sorry this chapter was late, Wattpad was acting glitchy finally figured out how to post my writing again! Hope you in joyed!!!

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