The End

42 3 0

(Amber POV)

Amber groaned, was this really happening or just another dream?
She sat up, the room was spinning, she could see multiple dragons huddled around her.

As her vision turned normal, she slowly stranded up.

"Amber, I think you should sit." Leopard softly putting her back into a sit postion.

"W-what happened." Amber said, putting her hand on her head,

"You past out." Sparrow pointed out,

"Yeah, I can see that." Amber said,

"Well before you pasted out, you were out of control." Serpent said,

"But, a good out of control." Leopard quickly added,

"Yeah, once you broke the necklace, a blue fire ball came out of it, and it started to attack everyone besides us, even Camelon, it hit him clean right off of me." Serpent said,

"Not only that, but it was as if you were controlling it, or-" Leopard started,

"Or, it was controlling me." Amber finished Leopard's sentence.

"Exactly, but it didn't look like a fire ball either, it looked almost in the shape of a bird."

Amber shivered, was that dream real.

"Like a phoenix?" Amber asked, Leopard nodded,

"Then, after Camelon had surrendered, it stopped but didn't go back into the shattered necklace." Serpent said.

"It went into you." Spark said, pushing her way through the crowds of wide eyed dragonets and skywing's.

"Spark!" Amber said, getting up, she ignored the dizzyness.

"Amber." She smiled, they both hugged,

"I knew you would do the right thing!" Amber sighed,

"Well, what choice did I have." She laughed, Amber smiled.

"Where's Camelon." She asked, her talons felt as if they sharpened, ready to scratch that dragon's face off.

"He's safe in the skywing jail, along with his followers." Leopard reassured her.

"Great." Amber said, almost collapsing with the great news, she sat down.

"Yeah, but it's just unfortunate the blue flame disappeared, before you could comsume some of it." Serpent frowned,

"Didn't you hear Spark?" Leopard hissed,
"It went into Amber." She said, pointing at the hybrid,

"Amber, do you have your fire back?" They all looked at her eagerly.

Amber got up, almost falling immediately back over, but she stabled herself, she came up to one of the ashes, left behind from the fight, she touched it, and thought one word.

"Burn." The whole pile burst into flames, she grinned, some skywing's raced out of the throne room, running for water.

She calmed her thoughts, and was instantly buried in hugs.

"Oh Amber, I love you so much." Serpent said,

"I know." Amber grinned, Leopard smirked,
"Oh don't even." Amber growled,

"You two, are adorable!" Leopard screamed, Amber giggled,

"Of course we are." Serpent said, in a joking hurted way. Amber smiled at him.

"I still can't believe we finally found the Eternal Flame." Redwood said,

"We just made history." Sparrow agreed,
"History or not, I just had an adventure for a life time." Amber sighed, wanting to collapse on the floor, and take a years worth of naps,

"Ha! It's not over yet, we still have our dragonets." Serpent pointed out, she grinned at him.

"If your dragonets have even an ounce of your personality, there going to get themselves killed." Leopard joked,

"We haven't gotten killed quite yet." Amber said,

"A simple stroke of luck." Leopard laughed,

"Right." Amber grinned.

"We've made it." Redwood said, wrapping his wing with Leopards,
"Right, but we're different." Leopard said,

"How?" Serpent asked,

"I'm funnier." Leopard pointed out,
"I beg your pardon?" Amber asked,

"I'm way funnier then you." Amber laughed,

"Agree to disagree." Leopard said,

Redwood and Serpent gave each other humorous glances.

"So? What will we do now?" Redwood asked,

Amber thought for a moment, squeezing all of her friends, deeper into there hug.

"Only time will tell."

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