Amethyst Winglet

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(Shadowfall POV)

Amber smiled,
"Oh your Shadowfall, good, here." Amber gave the scroll she was holding to Shadowfall,
"Thank-thanks." Shadowfall, took the scroll, and ran as fast as he could, he ended up running into the first den he saw, he gasped, crunching the scroll,
"No, no, no." He screamed,
"This can't be happening". He huffed,
"Shut up, brain, shes not...cute."
(Leopard POV)

Leopard walked into the prey center looking around, her eyes cuaght on a familiar dragon.

Leopard came up to the dragon,
"Hello." She asked, the dragon turned around, they both froze,
"No way." Leopard yelled,
"Prince." She asked, the dragon nodded,
"Yep, and Leopard." She nodded too, they both hugged, then blushed, looking away. Leopards attention caught onto Amber and another dragon with her, Leopard took Redwoods hand and pulled her towards them.
(Leopard POV)

Leopard came up to the table, with Redwood right next to her.
"Is this seat taken." Amber shook her head, Leopard sat down, Redwood followed.

Amber bumped Leopard with her elbow.
"Whos, that?" Amber asked well smiling, Leopard blushed, her attention went to the black and gold Sandwing.
"The question is
-whose that?!"
Leopard smirked, Amber looked away,
"No one." Amber said, smiling, Leopard smiled back,
"Well then, he's no one." She pointed to Redwood.

The sandwing put out his talons,
"Hi, I'm Serpent." Leopard smiled at Amber,
"Hi, I'm Leopard, I'm assuming you've met my friend." Serpent blushed,
"Yeah we've actually known each other for some time."
Leopard smiled.
"Well, is that so, you know if I may, you two make a very cute cou-." The bell suddenly rang, cutting Leopard off, Leopard frowned,
"Well, as I was saying-mmmmuhtbbx." Amber put her hand over Leopards mouth,
"Oh no the bell, what a shame." Amber smirked.
They all got up and left for their classes, except for Leopard.
"Three moons, I was so close!" She screamed.
(Redwood POV)

Redwood made his way to the history class, the history class that supposedly blew up, but Redwood didn't believe in that stuff.

He walked into class, sitting down, Webs was his teacher, he may have been old, but he was still a pretty good teacher.
Leopard sat down next to him, getting out a scroll, writing something down, and ripping it off, she then handed it to Redwood,
"Dear, Redwood
History, is officially the most boring subject in Pyhirra." Redwood snorted,
Webs head bolted up,
"Oh is something funny." He asked. Webs snatched the piece of scroll out of Redwoods hand.
"Mmmmm, history is boring, well if it's boring maybe, Leopard, you should tell the entire class what the name of the MudWings lowest community is?" Leopard sighed, getting up and walking up to the chalkboard.

"Sir, I think history's boring too." Someone yelled.

Leopard turned around, to see Amber standing up with her hand raised high.
Webs frowned,
"Well then, why don't you come up here too."
Amber smiled, and walked up.

Amber nudged Leopard,
"The answer is, Dimiod spray delta." Amber whisperd, Leopard smiled,
"The Diamond Spray Delta." Leopard answered,
"Good, Leopard you may sit down, Amber what's the name of Glory's sloth, Amber froze,
"Ummm."  She said nervously,
"History's so boring." Redwood luaghed, Webs frowned, he pointed to the board, Redwood smiled, walking up,
"Silver." He whisperd to Amber,
"Silver." Amber screamed,
Webs nodded, and pointed to her desk, she nodded and moved back,
"Ok Redwood, what's the object they use to tell which Sandwing Queen will be next?"
Redwood thought for a minute,
"History-." Serpent started to talk, Webs interrupted,
"Get up there Serpent." He giggled,
"The eye of onyx."
"The eye of onyx." Redwood said. He then
walked off sitting at his desk,
"Ok Serpent-" the bell rang,
"Ok class, bye, and Serpent you got lucky."
Serpent grinned, and walked off.
(Shadowfall POV)

Shadowfall, breathed,
"Ok, just a regular day, just a re-"
Amber walked towards him, talking to some dragon,
"Oh hi, Shadowfall!" Shadowfall blushed,
"Hi." He grinned,
"Have you read that scroll, I gave you." He took a deep breath,
"Actually no." He answered, a dragon came infront of Amber,
"Ummm, what scroll." He asked, Amber smiled,
"Oh some dragon gave me a scroll and asked me to give it to him. So I did. Oh Shadowfall, this is Serpent, Serpent this is Shadowfall."

They both grinned, narrowing there eyes at each other,
"Hello." Serpent smirked,
"Hello." Shadowfall frowned.

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