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Cleril fans are awsome, I know there may be a chance Cleril may not happen! BUT LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT!!! Let's talk about there destiny, speaking of which.
Here's the next chapter.....
(Starflight POV)

Starflight had been organizing the scrolls, stamping over due passes, and yelling at Changbai for eating a scroll describing step by step how to make pie. Starflight smelled the air, it had been smoking all mourning. Some trouble making dragents had finally discovered there fire, and had been setting off wood in the forest, he had guest that they had come to set his scrolls on fire.

"Get out, you are not going to set my scrolls on fire"!

"Don't be silly blind dragon, ruler of these scrolls, how would I even set them on fire? By touching them"? Peril giggled hearing her joke.

Starflight gulped
Peril stopped laughing,
"Oh silly dragon you, your such a joker"
Peril started to laugh agian, Starflight didn't know who this dragon was, Peril didn't act like.... Peril, she acted like a dragonet, a young just hatched dragonet, with nothing to lose.

"Here you joker, I'll prove that I won't burn any-"
Peril suddenly tripped falling onto a shelf of scrolls.
"FATESPEAKER"!!! Starflight yelled worried the scrolls would be damaged.

Fatespeaker ran into the library, and screamed surprised by the fire
"What, not agian"!

Peril looked confused
"Not... agian, this as happened before"

Fatespeaker looked at her blankly
"Yes... well more like 6 times"
Peril gave Fatespeaker a weird expression.

After Fatespeaker was done putting out the fire, she had started to clean up the ashes. Peril attempting to help she reached out holding a pile of ashes in her talons, suddenly the ashes turned into flames. Peril, being as surprised as she was, dropped the ashes allowing it to spread, Fatespeaker groaned, standing up to put out the fire.

Starflight sighed,
"I think, I liked accidentally setting things on fire Peril".
Starflight thought for a moment putting his talons on his chin, he then got up from his desk, being very careful not to get near the fire, and continued to go into a back room. Peril followed him.

"Ha hah, here its is"
Starflight pulled out a dusty scroll, blowing off the dust, he placed it not to far  from Peril.
They waited awhile, they needed Fatespeaker to read anyway.

Starflight was trying to straighten out the scroll when Fatespeaker came in covered I ashes.
"*gasp* Starflight what do you need"?!
Starflight pushed the scroll forward, showing it to Fatespeaker.
"Can you read us this"

Fatespeaker gently held the scroll up
"A Curses Night. When one of which has come across a witch, a spell shall go one the. A curse it's called a lovers doom, and is hard to get rid of thy, to get rid of this spell it is quit simply, just find your lover fair and true, you must believe that this dragon loves you, for if this dragon can not decide to give you a kiss or to deny, you shall forget everyone and never give away, you shall be under this curse for all of internaty."
Starflight let the words sit in
"So you need a kiss from Clay, sounds simply enough".

Fatespeaker turned to look at him,
"Can you get Clay for me, tell him it's an emergency"!
Fatespeaker nodded her head, rushing out of the back room.

Starflight started to gather everything flammable in the back room, just before he exited he turned around.
"You stay here, I'll let Clay come see you when he gets here",

"Oh ummm, okay, ummmm who's Clay agan"?
Starflight froze there worried,
"You know the dragon your in love with, ummm you know just keep saying his name over and over"!!!

Peril stood there confused
"Right, and what would his name be agian"?!

Starflight some how managed to face palm with all the scrolls in his hands.

"Oh, right right. Clay, Clay, Clay, Cl-".
Starflight walked out of the room.
Placing everything that he had in his hands, onto his desk, sighing
"Oh Clay, please hurry"!

(Clay POV)

Clay rushed into Starflight's library,
"Starflight, are you okay"?

Starflight came from behind his desk, looking completely fine, then a worried look went across his face.
"It's not me who you need to worry about, it's about Peril",

Clay made a very worriedly expression
"Where, where is she",
Clay started to look around,
"She's in the back room, but Clay there's something you need to know".
(Peril POV)

Peril sat in the room repeating this strangers name, every dragon that walked by her, husselted by, like they were afraid of her! But one dragon came into the room his eyes were light brown, well his scales were ember colored. Perils heart started to move faster, which was strange becuse she didn't know this dragon, but then something happened she never would have suspected.

The strange dragon kissed her. Peril pulled away,
"What are you doing"?!
Clay looked confused
"Ummm trying to help you"?

Peril was now angry
"By kissing me"?!

Starflight walked in
"But Peril remember in the scroll only your true love can save you"!

Peril shook her head
"Okay firstly, what scroll? Secondly this dragon is not my true love"!

Clay dropped his wings.

Peril stamped out of the library, including being very confused.
(Peril POV)

Sunny and Tsunami were talking about Anemia's future in Jade mountain. When Peril came across there office,
"Umm, hello"
Peril slowly walked in, making sure not to touch anything, considering what happened to Starflights scrolls.

Sunny was happy to see Peril bright on her feet, and to think only yesterday she was in the infirmary bed.

Tsunami sighed, she had to amit she was alittle happy to see Peril heathy and-alive.

"Hi, I'm Peril, I don't think we've met before I had noticed you in my medic room"?

Sunny and Tsunami looked at each other.

"Wait, you really don't remember us"?
Sunny frowned,
"I thought you were just playing a prank on us"
Tsunami said intregeted.

"I'm sorry I just can't remember".
Sunny smiled a little and walked up to Peril, still making sure she stayed her distance.

"Its fine, now what did you need"?
Peril blushed,
"I ummm, I don't seem to remember anything, so I was thinking-hoping, that yo could help, me remember"?
Sunny smiled
"Of course",
Tsunami walked up
"Well let's see you killed a lot of dragons, you almost killed Clay, oh and your a mo-"
Sunny put her hand over Tsunami's snout.

"Tsunami, shush. Sorry, Peril Tsunami was just ummm-kidding".
Peril raised her eyebrow,
Sunny spoke this time, making sure Tsunami wouldn't talk.

"Well, you kinda worked for Scarlet-which was a queen-"
The story went one, Sunny, adding more detail with every word she spoke, by the end of the day, Peril was all caught up with her life, including Clay.

"I have to go find Clay".
Tsunami stopped Peril before she got through the door.
"Wait, why do you need to find Clay",
Peril smiled.

"To see about a kiss".

Hey guys, I hope you liked this one, remember to commit what you think, sadly the Phoenix won't be coming back for some while, (or will it)? I have no idea, but what I do know is that the next one, will (hopefully) blow your mind!
Thanks for reading, until next time.

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