The Rainforest

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(Redwood POV)

Redwood flapped his wings with enthusiasm, it had been about a year sense he'd been in the rainforest, would anyone recognize him?

"Got something on your mind?" Leopard asked, smiling at him, Redwood nodded.

"Just thinking about home." He answered,
"You would have been there next week, remember, the school years almost over anyway." Leopard said,

"Yeah about time, I never realized how tiring school is, I swear to the moons, I didn't learn anything!" Amber laughed, flipping in the air.

"Yeah! If anything we should start the school year over." Serpent smirked, Amber looked at him with fear in her eyes

"You don't think that will happen will you, I don't think I could survive it." Amber winced,

"You've survived worst then that." Leopard pointed out, staring at the scar on her shoulder.

Redwood nodded, Amber groaned
"And to think we have two more years of this."

"Atleast we have each other," Serpent pointed out, Amber made a fake gag noise.

"So-cheesy-help-me." She giggled, Serpent narrowed his eyes at her. Amber stuck out her tongue.

"That's enough." Sparrow interrupted,

"Were here." He landed in a clearing, and put away his map, Redwood landed, along with the others.

"Hey! You" A rainwing flew out of the trees, landing infront of the group, two others followed, Redwood yelped, going into camouflage,

"State your business." The rainwing demanded, her fangs showed as she spoke, Sparrow talked first, knowing the danger.

"We come to talk to the Queen we don't come with weapons, everyone place your belongings on the ground." Sparrow said, the dragons did as they were asked, Redwood stayed in camouflage watching.

"There's no need." Redwood came out of camouflage, showing himself. The rainwing guard stayed alert.

"And who might you be?" She stomped her foot.

"My name is Redwood." The rainwing froze, and looked at the guards, then bowing.
"We did not realize you were coming back until next week, did something happen?" She asked,

Redwood looked at her,
"No, we just wish to see my mother." Redwood answered, the guard nodded, and did a signal to escort them to the palace.


"No, for the last time, I'm not going to-" Glory started, talking to one of her guards.

"Your majesty." The lead guard said, bowing,

"Peach what is it, I'm busy." Peach flicked her tail singnaling the other guards to show there 'prisoners'

"Your son, was caught in the rainforest with four other dragons, non rainwings, I might add." Peach said, revealing the prince, Glory sighed,

"All of you are excused." Glory said, the other two guards bowed and walked away, Peach nodded and followed the other guards.

"Redwood, I just got a letter from Sunny, care to read it for me?" Glory handed Redwood a letter.

"It's says: I regret to inform you, but your son along, with Amber, Snow Leopard, Serpent, along with Spark, are missing, we have been searching them all day, we hope we fine them soon, we will let you know when...we have." Redwood gulped,
"I can explain-" Redwood tried to start,

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