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(Serpent POV)

Serpent sighed, looking around his den, they had gotten back to Jademoutian, and after that long journey, he definitely wanted sleep, but he couldn't.
He laid down on his ledge, he couldn't get what Sparrow had told him out of his head.

[ Sparrow ran up to Serpent, yelling, "Wait, you almost forgot this." Sparrow handed Serpent a scroll, he unwraped it, seeing it was the scroll they had wrote down the facts about the externals flame maps location, Serpents ears pricked up, had Sparrow read it.
"Thanks." Serpent said, folding it back up and placing it under his wing,

"Is Amber alright?" Sparrow asked, Serpent looked at him narrowing his eyes.

"Of course she is, why wouldn't she be-" Serpent started,

"I know about the eternal flame, I know your looking for the map." Serpent cringed, he snarled.
"You read the scroll." Sparrow hissed,
"That doesn't matter, I figured out why your looking for it, somethings wrong with Amber I can feel it, it's her fire scales isn't it!" Sparrow yelled, Serpent looked down, he nodded. Sparrow frowned dropping his wings.

"I'll help." Sparrow looked up, Serpent looked up as well.

"How could you help?" Serpent growled.

"You think I don't know about that map, *sigh* I think I know it's exact location, but I can't be sure." Serpents chest filled with hope.

"Where can you meet me?" Sparrow asked, Serpent thought for a second.

"Meet us in the forest infront of Jademoutian stand exactly where the forest starts, but don't follow us just yet, wait a day, we'll give you a days, then we'll meet you there." Sparrow flicked his tail nodding, Serpent turned and went up to Redwood and Leopard telling them his plan]

Serpent had given him a day, now he just needed to wait for the mourning,
"But what if Amber finds out." His mind protested,
"She won't!" He yelled back, standing up, he couldn't seem to relax.

"Relax." Redwood said, he stood infront of the cave intrance.

"That's the one thing I can't seem to do." Serpent chuckled, Redwood sighed, clearly not amused.

"We should tell Amber what we're going to do." Redwood suggested,

"No! I mean, she might get hurt." Serpent heard a laugh coming from outside of his den, Leopard walked in,

"Ok sure, we'll just be gone for like, months and come back with blue fire, that may not even cure her, and force it down her throat." Leopard joked,

"It would be best to tell her." She said,
Serpent looked away, what was he suppose to do.

"No, we can't, please." Serpent begged, Redwood and Leopard looked at each other.

Leopard shook her head,
"Fine, if that's what you'd like, but I won't lie to her! If she asks, I can't deny her." Leopard whipped her tail out, walking away.

Serpent froze,
He wasn't lying to her! Was he, no he just wasn't telling her what they were doing. Serpent thought.
"Well, better get some sleep." Redwood said well climbing up to his ledge.

"Big day tomorrow." Redwood continued, drifting off.

Serpent nodded, laying his head down on the cold stone, allowing the dark sweetness of sleep wash over him.
(Redwood POV)

"Wake up, you sleepy walruses, we need to go!" Leopard yelled, she whacked her talons down onto Serpents ledge, waking him. Redwood rubbed his eyes, slowly getting off of his ledge.

"I'm awake." He said, Leopard looked at him, still annoyed.

"Good, took you long enough." She rolled her eyes, and yanked Serpent up.

"Right, sorry." Redwood took out the scroll under Serpents ledge.

"We better get going."


The three of them dashed down the hall, all keeping there heads down, Redwood made sure to camouflage his scales dodging every little thing, soon enough they made there way down the steps of Jademoutians entrance, Redwood looked across the horizon.

"This way." He yelled, pointing to the woods, he could just see a small red dot, he guessed it was Sparrow. They all flew down there, and to there surprised saw Sparrow on the ground, and Amber standing over him. They all froze, meeting her gaze.

"What are you all doing." Amber demanded, Redwood didn't know what to think of this, he heard mostly rage in her tone, but also worry-ness, and curiosity.

Serpent spoke first,
"We're trying to help you, so stay out of it!" He snarled, Amber growled,

"Your trying to help me, by doing what...leaving me," Now Redwood definitely heard a tragic tone in the last part of her growl.

Serpent sighed, coming up to her and touched his snout with hers.

"No that's not-" He tried to say,

Amber pulled out of his reach, she looked determined to find out what was happening,

"No, liston , to me Amber, we're going to find you the eternal flame, then you'll get your firescales back!" Redwood blurted out, Serpent look at him, angrily

"Yes!" Leopard added,

"Serpent didn't want you to come, because well, he was worried about you, he was worried you would get hurt." Leopard said, coming up to her and placing her wing onto her, Amber looked at her, and looked down frustrated.

"But, I've excepted it, I'm never going to get it back, and-and that's ok." She said,

"You don't have to do anything." She started,

"Yes we do!" Serpent yelled,
"No you don't!" Amber apposed,

"Amber, we can help you, please let us." Redwood sat down next to Serpent, Amber looked at him, she sighed.

"Fine." Serpent smiled,

"But I'm coming too." She declared.
(Shadowfall POV)

Shadowfall grinned at Constellation, she was finally back on her feet, and every moment she was, gave him joy, he had separated himself from Amber, and even though it broke his heart, he knew she would have never had chosen him, so he had settled his eyes on Constellation. Someone he loved, so very much, and would continue to, he had professed his love to her, and she had chosen him, out of all of the dragons in Pyrrhia, she had chosen him, he was so ever grateful for her, for caring about him, his heart skipped a bear when she smiled, and for once, in months, he felt like life was worth living.
Hey, sorry this took so long, but I'm really excited about this chapter, because this is the start of the real journey and why the book is named what it is, so excited to publish the next chapter! Amber out...

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