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So I have no idea what to write up here, does anyone even read these?

(Clay POV)

What just happened.....
He thought she had forgotten about his friends not him!
This was awful truly awful, what would he do, he couldn't live his life with out Peril, she was his flame, no, his internal flame. She was his light everywhere he went, if she wasn't there it was dark. And now it would be dark for internity.

Turtle walked in, playing with his talons, he looked some what nerves, but then agian Turtle always looked nervous.
"Ummm, Clay can I-I talk to you"
Clay looked at Turtle and Turtle looked up, showing his tears, Clay widened his eyes, showing pity.
"Sure, how about we talk in my office".
Turtle nodded, walking along side Clay until they reached there destination.

Clay sat down, Turtle flollowed sitting across from him,
"So Turtle how can I help you? I'm not a therapist, but I'll do my best".
Turtle shook his head,
"I don't want any random therapists, I want you", Turtle looked up agian, showing his tears growing stronger.
Suddenly Turtle burst into crying, he cried as if he'd been holding in his tears for a week.
"I-ts all-my fault"!
Turtle struggled to speak clearly
"It's my fault Peril forgot, it's my fault she couldn't hear before, it all my fault"!
(Peril POV)

Peril ran throught the hall ways, "Clay had to be some where, right? Dragons couldn't just disappear, right? Maybe they could, no, just keep looking for Clay"!
Peril made sure to check every corner, every class, even the creepy appended history class that blew up 2 years ago.
Suddenly Clay's office popped into mind. "Of course, Clays office. Three moons brain it took you long enough", Peril sprinted towards Clay's office, she opened it, looking inside, Peril dropped her wings, finding no one.

Peril sighed
"Maybe.., I didn't check some parts of the library" Peril sprinted off so fast, she didn't realize Clay was walking in the halls with Turtle to his office.
(Clay POV)

Clay frowned
"Turtle, this isn't your fault"!
Turtle looked to the side.
"How, could it not be, I was the dragon who was next to her when she passed out, if I had maybe acted faster-".
Clay shook his head
"No, you did the exact thing any dragon would do, you went and got help".
Turtle didn't respond, he had calmed down, but a few tears were still running down his cheeks.

Clay sighed, Sunny burst into the room gasping.
"Clay, Peril, shes-".
Sunny stoped seeing Turtles red eyes.
"Oh, sorry I didn't realize you had a student, ummm, Clay I just saw Peril in the library looking everywhere for you"!
Clay faked luaghed,
"Ha, ha, Sunny very funny".
Sunny growled,
"Clay, I am not joking she's really looking for you".
Clay rolled his eyes,
"Ok, Sunny I get it your funny"!
Sunny walked up to him grabbing his head and forcing him to look at her,
"Clay, listen-to-me, Peril-is-looking-for-you. Now go to the library and kiss her already", Clay smiled hoping this was true
"Oh okay", Clay started to get up, but he looked at Turtle.
"Umm, Sunny can you talk to Turtle for me"?
Sunny nodded, Clay mouthed the words thank you, and almost made it to the door,
"Wait, Clay, here"
Sunny threw a small fire proof metal box, Clay caught it, nodding. And rushed to the library.
(Peril POV)

Peril looked everywhere a dragon could hide, it was almost like Clay was invisible.
Peril thought for a moment,
"Ummm, Clay if your invisible, Umm nock down that pile of srolls over there. Suddenly the same pile Peril was pointing at, got tripped over by an unexpecting dragonet. Peril gulped,
"Clay are you really there"?!
Suddenly Clay burst into the library chanting Peril's name, Perils heart skipped a beat,
"Clay", she yelled running into him,
"Peril", Clay hugged her back.
"You remember my name"?!
Peril nodded smiling at him, Peril kissed him, Clay smiled back.
"Well, in that case I have something to ask-".
There was a scream, and a thump, Every dragon who heard it came towards the sound. The sound had come from the front of the school, once Clay and Peril got infront of the crowed, they could see what was happening, Sunny was dangling off a cliff unconscious, Clay froze.
Peril did the same seeing a dragon fly up to the crowd.
It's was Chameleon, in dragon flesh.
"Hello, Students of Jade mountain, and my daughter, as you can see, your beloved principal is now dangling to her doom. All I ask for is my daughter and I can promise you-your principal will be returned safely to your school, if not, welll let's just say you may want to find a new principal", everyone gasped, some dragents tried to sneak off to get Sunny, but they were hit with sleeping darts, ten rainwings appeared. Five of which were ready to catch Sunny if Peril made the right choice, and the other five ready to kill her. Camelon walked up towards Peril,
"Hello, my daughter, I am your father".
Peril rolled her eyes
"Yes, yes I know"
Camelon looked shocked
"What, but you were suppose to-never mind, you have a choice to make daughter choose wisely".
Peril looked at Clay, then Sunny, Clays done so much for her, she could at least do this for him, but she didn't want to leave Clay.
"This is no time to be selfish", Peril told herself. Peril thought for a moment, then looked at Moon, Moon nodded.
"How many options do I have"?
Camelon sighed
"Clearly two",
Peril shook her head
"No, I have three".
Camelon raised his eyebrow,
"What do you mean by three"?
Peril smiled even more,
"I mean by this", Peril grabbed Camelions tail, Camelon pulled away, shrieking
"What are you doing, maniac"?
"Challenging you, if you win, then you get me, if I win, then I get Sunny".
Camelon frowned,
"Hmmm, interesting, how about I get to choose one of my rainwings, if you win then yes, you can have that weird sandwing, but If my rainwing wins, then I not only get to have you but I get to keep your first born egg"!
Peril widened her eyes, that was a big risk, but she was willing to risk it.
"Agreed", Peril smiled
"Choose your rainwing".

Camelon thought for a moment
"Bamboo, come here"
A female rainwing appeared with black, and red colors reaching her scales.
"Yes sir"?

Camelon smiled
"I choose you".
(Peril POV)

Bamboo had insisted the fight start at sun set. Peril had agreed, she needed some time to prepare, Peril had been getting ready all mourning, it was almost time for Peril go out and fight. Clay had been helping her get ready, by fighting with her, seeing as which all she had to do was touch her aponit, she wasn't too worried. Clay walked up to her, touching her shoulder.
"Clay what is it, I'm about to go on"
Clay hestitaded before bringing out some sort of box.


Peril got up,
"Sorry Clay that's my cew ".
Peril walked outside, walking into the circle some dragonets had drew.
"Aright everyone here's the rules",
Moon was the judge seeing in which, that she could mind read, it would come in handy.
"If an appointent gives up, the other dragon wins, it's either that or to the death! Finally no jewelry, we don't want it to get lost now do we", Moon narrowed her eyes on the necklace Bamboo was wearing,
"Bamboo, necklace please",
Bamboo touched her necklace, looking up at Camelon worriedly, he shook his head.
"This was the last thing my grandmother gave to me before she died, she had all the rainwings in the village take the venom test, she just wanted to give keep family airloom alive, I would like to keep it".
Moon thought for awhile.
"Fine you may keep it".
Bamboo smiled.

"Alright, Claws up, Teeth ready, fight"!!
Peril swung herself towards Bamboo, Bamboo had already boost her self into camouflage, but unfortunate for her, her necklace showed, Peril lunged forward touching Bamboo, who surprisly didn't turn into flames, Peril gasped, Bamboo grabbed Perils neck, attempting to strangle her, Peril wheezed, reaching her claws out, scratching Bamboos face, Bamboo screeched, Peril took this opening to strangle Bamboo, Bamboo screamed, attempting to get out of her grip, Peril smiled, she reached for Bamboo's necklace snapping it to pieces.
Bamboo froze as her intire body began to turn into flames, she screached from the pain, getting out of Perils grip, and flapping off.
Camelon frowned
"Coward", he yelled at Bamboo,
Peril stomped towards Camelon of which froze,
"I won",
Camelon sighed
"I suppose you did".
Camelon nodded towards the rainwings, they threw Sunny towards Peril, Clay however managed to catch her, Camelon frowned. Peril shook her head
"Go, now,"
Camelon smirked
"What's makes you think I will"?
Peril smiled,
"I was hoping you'd say that"
And with that Peril grabbed one of Camelon's wings, Camelon screamed, attempting to fly off, it ended to the point of where two of his rainwing soilders carried him.
Peril smiled
"Three moons he's finally gone"
Clay laughed
"Yeah, good riddance"
Peril hugged him, Clay smiled
"Peril do you remember the thing I was talking about, before your father had threatened Sunny", Peril nodded
"Yeah, but you didn't get to finish"
Clay smiled
"Well then, I'll finish now"
Clay got down on one knee and looked up at Peril.
"Peril, you are the flame in my heart, with out you, there would be darkness, will you make the flame in this dragons heart internal, and marry me"?
Peril froze, with widened eyes"
"Yes" she said well still frozen
"A hundred times, yes"!!!

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