The Firelight

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(Amber POV)

Today was Amber's hatching day, she was to turn 5 years old, which meant she would soon move to jademountain, and as she grew older, so did he.
(Shadowfall POV)

He would stalk her, every where she went he would go, but at night, he would return, he would return to the hidden arena. Where he grew up, and where he met the dragonet, the same dragonet he was stalking.
He would train in the arena, with his mother and father, Assasin and Murder.
(Shadowfall POV)

"Shadowfall, get in here." Assasin screamed.

Shadowfall scurried inside the den,
"Yes mother." He asked, coming up to the strached table, Assasin unrolled a scroll, spreading it over the table.

"We're going over the plan agian."

"Okay so, our target is a hybrid, of Mudwing, Skywing. This female, goes by the name Amber. Her weaknesses, are her sibs, and parents, we haven't seen her friends in 2 years, so they must be out of the picter, she will soon be attending, jademoutian, so you will too." Shadowfall froze,
"Wait, I get to go to an actual school?!" Assasin nodded,
"Don't get too excited, further more once you get to jademoutian, get close to her, and end her." He gulped, could he do this, or could he not, the real question was, was he strong to not do it, or to weak?
Shadowfall, placed his hand on his head, how could he do this.

"Okay, I'll train tonight." Assasin nodded,
"Yes, in two weeks, we shall take you to jademoutian, get close, and kill her, by next year, or you shall end where you stand." Shadowfall gulped,
"Yes, mother." Assasin slapped him,
"Call me, Assasin, from now on"
He frowned,

"Yes, Assasin." She nodded,
(Shadowfall POV)

Later that night, Shadowfall, packed up, he wouldn't wait for the two weeks to go, he would go tonight, maybe he could find someone to help, but that was slim.

If only he had realized what would happen that year.
Sorry it was short.

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