Jade Mountain 2

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Don't start the music until I say you can, please...

(Shadowfall POV)

Shadowfall walked over to Amber's cell. It was so dark, he narrowed his eyes.
He could see two shapes, cuddled up towards each other, with one wing over the other. He growled loudly, Amber's wing twitched, he gulped.

He looked down at his hand, he was holding a basket full of fruit and meat.
He opened the cell quickly, Serpents wing twitched this time.
"Dinner." He said, he then calmly placed the basket onto the floor.

They took awhile but finally moved. Amber got up first, her head looked around and saw Shadowfall then relaxed. She got up, grabbed some meat, and put it infront of Serpent, he started to slowly eat. Amber ate the fruit, Shadowfall stood there watching her, chew ever so slowly. This was the first time they had eaten this week.

"How are you." Shadowfall asked, his talons leaning onto the cell. It was as if they wished they could reach out towards Amber, and cuddle her, reassuring her it would be okay. Shadowfall waited for her response.

She never looked up from her food, ignoring him.

He took a deep breath, holding his tears. He walked off. Moving towards the cell across from Amber's.

He looked inside, and found a skinny nightwing shivering in the corner. Shadowfall sighed. His once dangling wrist now tightened.
"If I can't help Amber then I'll help her." He told himswlf. He ran down the hall, he was eager to find some keys.
(Serpent POV)

After Shadowfall was gone, Serpent, moved towards Amber, he groaned at his bruises. Amber turned around, and crawled next to him.
"Stay still, you catus head." She luaghed, he grinned. He reached for the last bit of food infront of him, Amber picked it up, giving it to Serpent. She sat there well he ate,
"We need to help Constellion, and get you some help." She said, Serpent looked at the cell straight from them, he nodded. Then he looked at his broken bones.
"But, what can we do, I can't fly, Constellation looks like she's nearly at edge of death. And you, they could do this to you at anytime." Serpent pointed at his body. Amber shook her head rapidly.
"No, I heard one of the nightwing guards say that they had orders to take me somewhere today, who ever there delivering me too, most likely wants me alive." Serpent frowned,
"Or most likely wants you dead." He whined, Amber smiled sweetly.
"You have to trust me." She said well stroking her talon under his chin.

He frowned,
"Fine, but promise me, try not to die." She giggled,
"I'll do my best." She replied.
(Constellation POV)

Constellion shivered, she had been refusing to eat, and now it was coming back to hurt her.

She jumped, then looked up, seeing it was Shadowfall,
"What do you want." She said well looking away.

Shadowfall opened the gate to the cell,
"Come on." Constellation didn't move, she knew this was some trap.

Shadowfall waited for her to move,
but she never did.
"Come on, we have to go." Constellion ignored him, just like Amber had done. Shadowfall rolled his eyes. He came up to her, picking her up.
"Let me go." She screamed well hitting him on the back.
(Amber POV)

Amber woke to screaming. She got out of her huddle, and walked up to the cell. Amber narrowed her eyes, seeing Constellation,
Amber started to bang onto the bar, waking up Serpent.
Shadowfall heard Amber, dropping Constellation,
"Owww." She yelped,
"Let her go." She bang onto the bar,
Shadowfall shooshed her, she growled.

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