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(Amber POV)

This chapter is dedicated to, h100909, and Henry_Da_Bookworm , thank you, for being so sweet and kind to me!

Amber felt the warmth of the sun against her scales, she smiled, closing her eyes, allowing the wind to brush up off of her wings.

She took a breath, then opened her eyes, seeing the gorgeous horizon. She had forgotten how warming and amazing flying was, she turned her head, looking at Serpent, he was looking straight ahead, eager to get as far as they could go.

Amber slowly glided her wing closer to his, softly she placed the tip of her wing onto Serpent's. His head bolted towards her, he smiled, sweetly.

            He, smiled for moments, and Amber was almost sure she loved him, how could she not?!But, she still didn't know, was this feeling inside of her chest, love, insanity, anger, disloyalty. Despite her questioning Amber grinned back, then stopped, steadying in mid air. She was still much smaller than the dragons she was carrying, but it was also an excuse to get out of the questioning inside her mind.
Serpent stopped too, gliding towards her, Amber shook off the feeling of her wings going nume.

"Keep going." She screamed towards Serpent, Serpent stopped, he hesitated but kept going.

Amber slowly cuaght up. Breathing heavily, she really needed to rest.

"Amber?!" A figure flew towards them, Amber's eyes widened,
"Leopard!" She called out. They both quickly landed in a clear patch in the woods, Amber carefully set down Scorch, and Shadowfall, then Amber looked up.

Both Leopard's and Amber's eyes met, and they both started circling each other.
"Is it really you." Amber said, with hope in her tone, Leopard's tears started to spring up.

"Of course it me you Catus head." Leopard grinned, Amber smirked, ready to make a comeback.

But, was put off by Leopard's hug, she squeezed tightly, it took a moment for Amber to wrap her shaking claws around her friend. But, once she had them around Leopard, she was never going to let go, not today, not tomorrow, never.

Shadowfall blinked, his head was banging, some dragon was on top of him, that Sandwing, he realized.

"So that's how it feels to get stung with mothers needle." Shadowfall whispered.

He looked up, his heart skipped.
"Amber?" He grinned, but paused, realizing this was actually Serpent.

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to wake up." Serpent landed infront of him.

Shadowfall groaned,
"I think you owe me a thank you." Serpent smirked, Shadowfall frowned.
"Really?" Shadowfall rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I kept you from getting ki-"

"Killed." Amber walked up to both of them, with her friend Leopard right next to her.
Amber growled,
"Amber! Stay calm." Serpent said, well wrapping his tail with hers. Shadowfall winced,

"*Sigh* Alright, Shadowfall if we get Sckrch off of you, AND help you fly back to jade mountain, promise me-us that you won't fly off."
Amber said well looking into his eyes, he nodded slowly.
Amber took a breath, she slowly and carefully pushed Scorch off of him. He slowly got up, keeping his hands high to show his innocence.

Amber growled, then turned to look at Scorch, she quickly picked her up, and gestured for every one to take into the air.

Shadowfall followed, he stumbled in the air, and looked ahead, Amber was starring at him straight in the eye, he gulped.
"Oh great, I've made an enemy today, an enemy that can burn dragons alive." He sighed.
( Leopard POV)

Leopard soared throught the air, she grinned, looking back at her friend, she kept her eye on Amber making sure nothing else happened.

Amber looked back, still obliviously mad at Shadowfall. Leopard sighed,
"Amber ummm something happened when you were flying here, a dragon was following you guys, so we flew here but there gone now!"
Leopard started,
"Who are you?!" A skywing stopped infront of Amber glaring her teeth, Amber stopped as well, raising her eyebrows,
"Amber." She answered, glaring at the skywing. The skywing froze,

"You!" The skywing frowned,

"You?" Amber smiled, sarcastically.

"You don't remember me?!" The skywing growled,
"How can I remember you when I don't even know your name?" Amber snorted, the skywing hissed.
"My name is-Spark." Amber luaghed,
"Oh I believe you mean-Queen Stupid?." Amber giggled, Spark hissed, she tackled Amber in mid air, Amber hit the ground, Scorch flipped out of Amber's grip, she landed softly on a pile of conveniently placed moss.

Spark held on tightly to Amber's wings, Amber growled, her scales glowed softly, Leopard squinted, Spark hissed, bouncing off of her.

"What was that, your-your a monster." Spark screamed, Leopard growled loudly.
"I suggest you shut up." Leopard hissed, both Amber and Spark looked up at Leopard both surprised.

Spark rolled her eyes,
"How rude." Spark roared,

Leopard luaghed,
"You want to talk rude, following two dragons, and calling one of them a monster, I don't think Amber is the one who's a monster here." Leopard glared at Spark, Spark gasped. She huffed,
"I'll be back." She growled, then slipped out of the groups glare's, she started to fly towards jade mountain.

"Amber are you ok-?" Leopard stumbled back, as Amber hugged her,
"Thank you." Amber grinned, Leopard smiled.
"Hey you don't have to thank me." Leopard smirked, Amber hugged tighter.
"Trust me, I did." Amber grinned.
(Redwood POV)

Redwood walked next to Serpent,
"So, Umm, what happened to you guys well you were gone." Redwood asked, noticing the shaken up nightwing on Serpents back,
"Well, we almost got killed, we saved Constellation from the urge of death, and oh Amber and me kissed." Serpent smiled, Redwood mouth dropped.

"Excuse me, sorry what happened." Redwood asked, he smiled.
"You heard me." Serpent smirked, Redwood smacked him in the head,
"Wow a lot of things happened well I wasn't by your side." Redwood said, he thought for a moment,
"Remind me to come with you the next time
you guys disappear." Redwood luaghed, Serpent frowned,
"Yeah ok." Serpent said well walking off, Redwood sighed, looking at Leopard, he felt his face turn red, along with his scales.
"Leopard really needs to hear this." He thought, walking over to her,
"Ummm Leopard." Redwood said alittle trembled, Leopard turned around from Amber's hug,
"Yes, prince." Leopard luaghed, Redwood's wing felt all tingly, he smiled sweetly,
"Ummm, I ummm, Amber, ummm, Serpent." Redwood started,
"Amber." Serpent screamed, the red head of Amber perked up,
"What is it." She asked towards Serpent, he looked up a little worried,
"Scorch is awake." Serpent smiled.

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