The Ringer 2

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Hey, every dragon. Sorry for doing the cliffhanger. I just felt like I really had to do it, especially sense I just started writing. This 2 parter should be good, but I hope you love it.

(Peril POV)

{ "Peril, your prior is in great danger, don't let it happen", the bird was screaming at her, it's voice was no longer calm, it was now furious, the birds beak turned into a snout, the bird's once indigo eyes turned into yellow, the left eye covered with a scar. The birds intire face was now Scarlets.

Peril backed up, seeing her majesty
"Peril, how dare you betray me! I will seek my revenge even after my depart, I will get revenge, I WILL GET REVENGE", Scarlets voice echoed through the darkness. The bird with Scarlets face turned into a face of black, it's once ember wings turning into gray and midnight, in only a few seconds it was gone, Scarlets face was left on the ground, staring at her. Peril was left staring at her killed Queen. Peril did nothing, but ran, she couldn't fly for the darkness was too heavy, when ever she would spread her wings the darkness would just cover them, making it impossible to fly. Peril ran, and ran until finally she was covered into too much darkness, it swallowed her into hole, she screamed, "Peril"}

Peril gasped for air, considering she had been covered in unlit substance, making it uncomfortable and hard to breath. She opened her eyes to her friend Turtle screaming as the stick he poked her with burst into flames

"Why do you always do that" Peril groaned, stretching her wounds from the rock bed.
"Oh I'm sorry then, if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll just touch you, and quickly burn to death"!

"Thank you", Peril said well walking out of her dorm
"That would be an improvement", Peril said with a smirk, Turtle rolled his eyes, walking next to her as she found her way to the prey center.

Peril turned, walking into the entrance, she stopped, covering her ears.
"Turtle, do you hear that"?
Turtle raised his eye brows, he looked around pricking his ears, trying to find a sound wave. Turtle stood there thinking for a moment.
"Umm, can you describe the sound"
Peril nodded
"It's sound like screeching"
Turtle pricked his ears once more attempting to find a sound wave agian.
"Sorry, I don't hear anything, maybe it's just you". Turtle shrugged, thinking it was nothing.

Peril yelled as the screeching sound grew, eventually she fell to the floor, curling up into a ball.
"Peril, are you alright"? Turtle now looked worried, "I'm going to go get help, stay here"! Turtle ran off, flipping his fins around the stone floor.

"Where am I going to go? Flying"! Peril thought, but screamed hearing the screeching continue, the screeching noise had grown more and more every secound, by the time Turtle had came with paramedics. It was too late, Peril had already become unconscious, and had suffered temporary hearing lost.

(Clay POV)

Clay was talking to two trouble makers. Orca and Barnecal. When Suddenly Turtle rushed in with Sunny, they both took a breath before speaking . Sunny was the first to talk,
"Umm, Clay we have some bad news" Sunny said this nervously, she just didn't know what would happen if Clay lost Peril, but she didn't expect him to react well. Turtle spoke quietly, but just loud enough that Clay could hear him.
"I-it's about Peril"

Clay froze hearing her name, Sunny reached out her talon touching him by the shoulder
"Clay, are you ok"? Sunny looked at him, hoping to see some expression
Clay stayed frozen for awhile, it was like he couldn't move, but it almost felt like he wouldn't move. Clays body was pushing him from dashing threw the hall, to the infirmary, every time he would push against his will, he would end up thinking awful thoughts, one of the worst of course was a world with out Peril. But he didn't know if her injuries were that bad, he didn't even know if she was even injured. So, against his body's, and minds will, he broke throught of the hold, dashing out of the room, with Sunny, and Turtle behind him.

(Clay POV)

By the time Clay had managed to push his way through the students. Tsunami, Starflight, Fatespeaker, Moon, Winter, Kinkajou, and Qibli, had already managed to beat him to the infirmary, Clay pushed through them all, and stood toward Peril. Peril was unconscious, for now it wasn't to bad she was sleeping, but the worst had yet to come. Turtle and Sunny walked up next to him, Sunny put her talon on his shoulder.

Tsunami starred at Peril, nodding her head
"It's about time"! Tsunami said well crossing her arms, and placing her head taller.
Clay lift his head to look at her

"What do you mean, it's about time" Clay asked with little rage in his voice
"I mean, she diserved this, think about all the dragons she's killed, besides she would've died anyway, if Queen Scarlet was a proper Queen then she would have killed her as soon as she had hatched".
Clay was now growling,
"WHAT, how could you say that"?!

Tsunami looked at her talons
"I can say what ever I want, thank you, besides. How could you ever love... that"?

Clay hissed, running towards Tsunami, Sunny stoped him, digging her Claws into his scales
"Tsunami, I've said this once I'll say it again, STOP BEING HORRIBLY"!

Tsunami rolled her eyes
"What, I know Starflight feels the same way"
Clay starred at Starflight,
Starflight backed away, feeling everyone's eyes on him
Sunny grunted, she let go of Clay, of which stumbled forward, adjusting to the no longer extra weight. Sunny dashed over to Starflight, shielding him from the dragons glares. Sunny may have been smaller then Starflight, but he could almost hide his entire body behind her.

"Stop, Starflight had nothing to do with this". Sunny said with a huff.

Winter stumbled forward, Moon had pushed him out into the open
"I, ummm, I just wanted to say. Peril wasn't exactly my favorite dragon either, after all she did almost kill me. And to be honest, sometimes I wanted to kill her"
Clay growled alittle

"But... Shes my friend, and if your ever going to talk about her that way, then your going to have to deal with all of us"
Moon walked forward, smiling
"See, even Winter can become friends with Peril",
Moon looked at Tsunami
"So, why can't you"?

Winter looked confused
"Wait, even Winter"?
Moon giggled
"Thanks, Winter you did a great job, with your saving Peril speech"
Moon kissed him on the cheek, Winter shrunk down

Qibli grunted, then walked forward
"I can do a save Peril speech too"!
Qibli cleared his throat
"Peril... is not just a dragon... she's my friend".
Moon giggled, at her crush's failed speech,
"What, don't I deserve a kiss too"?!
Qibli waited awhile then finally shrugged, and leaned into Moon, kissing her on the cheek. She giggled, Kinkajou stood up trying to be seen out of the group.
"Hey, why does everyone else get a kiss but me"? Kinkijou frowned, Turtle walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek
"There, now your not alone". Kinkijou smiled.

"Alright, if we're quit done with this... interesting argument, I think I'll be leaving"
Tsunami attempted to leave, but was cut off, by Sunny
"Oh no you don't, your staying here until Peril wakes up"

Tsunami frowned
"And how long do you suppose that'll be, she may not even wake up"!

Clay snapped at the idea.

"Ummm, you may not have to worry about that, look"!
Turtle had been starring at Peril, everyone looked towards him, starring at Peril, who of which was now...... awake.

Hi, I wanted to make something clear, I love Moonbli, Moonbli has my full support. I wanted to say sorry to all those, Qinter, and Winterwatcher fans. Sorry, but I just don't believe in those ships, I hope you'll except my apology and keep reading my storys, because...I have a special chapter for you!

Eternal FlameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora