The Escape

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Hey so this is going to be a time laspe, Amber's going to go from newborn to toddler, and the same goes for every other dragonet
(Peril POV)

"Mom!" Amber screamed

Peril shook her head,
Amber dropped on the floor, curling up into a ball,
"Then, me not go", Amber screamed.

Peril rolled her eyes, she picked up Amber placing her on her shoulder, Amber curled out of her ball, and started to hit Peril on the back.

"Ow-stop-that-you-are-going-to-the-play-area", Amber screamed, allowing Peril to drop her,
"You are going", Amber shook her head,
"Catus head", Amber pointed,
Peril gasped,
"Where did you hear that word"?,

"Catus head", Someone screamed from the other room. Clay came into the den, rubbing his head,
Peril slapped her face,
"I swear to the moons, I'm raising four dragonets".
Clay picked up Amber, she screamed and she sheirked, until finally they were in the sky palace. Peril dropped Amber into the hachtery well they went off for home.
(Amber POV)

Amber huffed, looking around.
"Catus head", she screamed, she started to walk up to the ledges and climbed up them, she spread her wings attempting to fly, but fell, she landed on a male toddler dragonet, playing with a toy sword,
"Owww", the dragonet yelped, he backed up seeing Amber,
"Oh, you, new, me Sparrow". Amber got up rubbing her flattened snout,
Sparrow helped her up, looking at her,
"You look funny." Sparrow said well noticing Amber's color and snout, Amber frowned,
"No I don't, you look funny, now help me get to ledge", Amber started to climb, but fell, she turned around to find Sparrow holding onto her leg, he had pulled her down. Amber growled, he quickly let go, backing up.

"Sorry, but no one allowed to leave.",
Amber ignored his warning, she climbed up the ledges getting to the top once more, she spread her wings aiming for a gap in the wall, but something was thrown at her, the toy had hit her in the wing and she spun out of control, hitting the soft wall. And tumbling down.

Amber groaned, she got up, and headed straight for Sparrow, who was now trimbling out of the way, suddenly another dragonet threw another toy at Amber, she had thought it had been Sparrow, but it had turned out to be this dragonet.

"You are my servent, I am queen." The female dragonet smirked with a grin, Amber growled,
"You not Queen, you not Ruby." Amber walked near this dragonet, narrowing her eyes, she was covered in jewelry,

"Me future Queen, Queen Spark", Spark threw another toy at Amber, but Amber dodged it.

"Me Amber, you no Queen, you just throw toys, now if you excuse me, skywing, I will escape now". Spark grinned,
"Go ahead try", Spark said ready for her plan.

Amber continued to walk near the ledge, but instead of climbing, she flew to the gap, sctraching at it,

Spark began to cry, and as she cried a dragon came inside the room, seeing Amber up to the hole, the skywing gasped, then flew up, and held Amber, taking her to the ground,
"Catus head, Catus head, Catus head", Amber repeated, the skywing uncomfortably placed her down.
"No". The dragon said before going out of the room, Amber huffed sitting down, Spark walked over, smiling,
"I Queen, and you not", Spark said,
Amber frowned, as Spark started to walk away, Amber smiled, tripping Spark.
Amber luaghed,
"Yes, you are Queen, Queen of stupid", Spark screamed, everyone watched as she walked away, Amber flew up to the gap, and started to scratch at it, a few other older dragonets flew up to help, and as the hole got bigger Amber got happier, once it was big enough for Amber, Amber started to slip throught, the hole but stopped, She looked down at Sparrow,
"Thank you", she smiled, she slipped throught the hole, going onto the roof, she shivered as the icy air went upon her. Amber smiled, she flew and flew until she got to a warm area of the kingdom, then grinned.
"I am Queen". Amber screamed
(Peril POV)

Peril smiled, as she walked across the path to the hatchery, and smelt the scorch ground behind her, as she approached the den, Peril heard gasping, then walked in, a dragon walked up to her,
"We have a promblem, Amber's gone missing". Peril froze and her fist hardened,
"Amber", she screamed angrily.
(Topaz POV)

Topaz smiled at her sister, she had finally come back from the sky kingdom,
"How is it", Topaz asked, Amber smiled.
"I am Queen" she screamed, Amber walked away, as Muddy approached, Muddy and Topaz gave a glare, Topaz shrugged.
So I'm not sure that Sparrow will ever be seen agian, I don't know. But who knows maybe he will!

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