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One morning Jade sat alone on the breakfast nook to eat her eggs and drink her apple juice. She had heard her mother and Olisca leaving about an hour ago.

She was reading the Daily Prophet and drinking some of the juice when an owl tapped on the window. Feeling lazy, she asked a house-elf to get it for her and to give a treat to the owl.

The House-elf informed her that the letter was for her, so when she was done with her breakfast she picked it up from the table but this one wasn't from Ron, Harry or Fayette or Draco.

She opened it and she was glad that she was alone as it was her O.W.L.s results. She didn't want her parents to see those just yet. And if possible she wasn't going to show them.

Charms ----------------------------------------------- O

Transfiguration ------------------------------------- O

Herbology -------------------------------------------- P

Defense Against The Dark Arts ------------------ O

Potions ------------------------------------------------ E

Care of Magical Creatures ----------------------- O

Astronomy ------------------------------------------- E

Arithmancy ------------------------------------------ O

History of Magic ------------------------------------ A

She knew that in some classes like Potions, she had to get O's, and just in some she was allowed to get an E, but getting an A (acceptable) and a P (poor) was really bad.

There was no excuse for History of Magic and Herbology, she just wasn't that good. But she knew she got a E in Astronomy because of what happened to Hagrid and McGonagall that night and she wasn't able to finish her chart. And she got an E in Potions because she couldn't finish her potions, it was when Draco told her for the first time that he wanted to run away and she couldn't concentrate. Actually, she was surprised she got an E, she expected an A or below.

She decided to write to Ron and Harry and ask them about their O.W.L.s results. She was unsure if she should go to Draco's and ask him about his. She didn't even know what was between them anymore. They hadn't talked since that day and she knew something was up but she didn't know what exactly.

That night she finally saw her father but he barely acknowledged her and Jade was good with that. She rather that than being punished. And she was glad none of her parents had asked her about her results. They were too busy with Lexion.

Two days later Harry and Ron replied to her. They had started with the new nicknames just in case. Harry was H Doe, Ron was Dog Jack and Jade was L Swan. L from Leonie.

Harry told her he got seven passing grades and one O. He failed History of Magic and Divination, like Ron. Ron got seven O.W.L.s too but not a single O. Ron even added that Granger was being a pain, she got nine O's and one E.

Jade frowned at that but didn't really care for long. She normally competed with Granger to get better grades but she didn't care that much anymore after the reality they were living, she had other things to worry about than beating Granger.

She passed ten classes out of ten while Jade passed eight out of ten and got five O's while Granger got nine. Maybe last year she would have been furious but now she was okay with it. She had other things in her mind.

The following week, Finley, Raven and Jade had to go to Lexion's trial. They were trying to appeal his sentence. Olisca and his parents were also there.

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