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"I bet Potter will win," Jade exclaimed as she approached a group of students from different houses, the bets were being run by the Weasley Twins.

"Okay," Fred said a bit surprised. "It's..."

"And I also bet Fleur won't even finish the task."

Jade usually got involved in bets, something her brother was against, mostly because she was socializing with other houses.

"Wow, you sound pretty sure," Jordan Lee told her.

"Well, Fleur has shown she's weak and not up to the task. And we all know Potter is the boy everyone loves and wants to protect. It's kind of obvious to me what will happen."

"Okay, then," Fred said. "It's forty sickles, twenty for each bet."

Jade paid Fred and then she walked away, going to meet Draco outside. Both of them had just finished their exams for the day and were free now.

"How did you do?" Jade asked him.

"I think I did good," Draco told her. "You?"

"Not bad," Jade said.

Before she started her third year, Jade had chosen to take three extra class in addition to the compulsory ones. Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Divination but she was thinking of dropping that class as she had realized it wasn't what she expected. At first she wa a bit tempted to choose Muggle Studies, as she really didn't know anything about Muggles except that they had no magic. So, how did they do stuff? But then she thought about how her parents would react and decided it was better to not take the class.

The next day Jade had the Potions exam and Herbology. She was extremely good with Potions but not Herbology. So she was a bit concern about that class. That one and History of Magic were her worst classes while Arithmancy, Potions and Care of Magical Creatures were her best ones.

The students had four days completely free after exams were finished. Jade used those days to sleep in as much as she could and to finally relax a bit. If she could, she would go play Quidditch but that wasn't an option now, the Quidditch field was now being transformed for the third and last task. But to keep in shape she went on runs around the Hogwarts ground, usually alone.

"What are you going to do for the holidays?" Jade asked Draco as they sat outside, it was a sunny and nice day.

"I don't know yet," Draco said with a shrug. "And you?"

"We have two trips," Jade told him. "We are going to Greece for my mother's birthday and we are going to America for three weeks."

"Wow," Draco exclaimed.

"With The Perseuses," Jade added with a face. "Cassius and his parents... I was looking forward to it until Lex told me about it."

"Is Lex going too?"

"Yes, that's why we are going to America. His fianceé and the girl's family live there. They are both going to graduate this year, so I guess my parents want to make a family trip before they get married. There's no date yet or even an official announcement but I don't think they are going to wait that long."

Lexion's fianceé was a wealthy Scottish girl named Olisca. She started Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin, she was expelled during her second year and luckily her dad got a job abroad and they all moved to New York. Lexion and Olisca had only seen each other twice since their second year and now we were all going to see them during the holidays.

"I don't even remember her," Draco said. "I know it was quite a scandal when she got expelled. I wasn't in school yet but I remember your parents talking about it a lot."

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