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The next day was all madness, fireworks of all kinds, colours and shapes.They started in the Great Hall during lunch and then they didn't stop until dinner time. Teachers were interrupted by little fireworks in their classrooms and Umbridge was really having a harsh time.

She didn't even know how to deal with the fireworks because every time she tried something, they either exploded, multiplied, got bigger or just changed forms.

Jade's eyes shined as she saw a huge green dragon flying across the hall, chasing Umbridge. She was laughing and enjoying herself, nothing even close to how she was feeling the day before, when she felt like she had lost everything.

"Please do something extra special to her, for me," Jade whispered to Fred, as she knew the twins were the masterminds behind this show. "She needs to pay."

"It will be my pleasure," Fred said with a wink.

Once the fireworks ran out and dinner time came, things settled down a bit but everyone was talking about it and everyone was laughing and being loud. It was a weird sight as the year had been kind of gloomy and perturbing for everyone.

However, Jade's night got more serious as she went down to the Dungeons, but instead of going to the common room she went to see Snape.

"Have you been practicing?" Snape asked and Jade nodded. "Have you improved?"

"I'm not sure," Jade admitted. "I practiced on Channel and Chantel and I did get to hear them a few times. And three days ago, I heard Percy Weasley for a bit but it was hard to understand..."

"Okay, that's improvement, I suppose."

"Yesterday Umbridge tried to get information out of me, I heard her thoughts, it wasn't on purpose. I tried to stop my mind but I was getting angrier and angrier and I listened to her thoughts and her talking at the same time and for a moment it was hard to tell apart what she was actually saying and what she was thinking... The more I tried to stop, the more I listened to her thoughts."

"Has that ever happened? Your ability getting affected by your mood?"

"I hadn't noticed so I can't be sure but afterwards I kept listening thoughts even when I tried to stop it. I listened to all of my roommates' thoughts and some were very perturbing. I mean, can you imagine what teenagers think about before going to sleep?"

"I rather not even imagine," Snape said coldly.

"Then I met Draco and I didn't want to be with him, in case I heard him... but with him... it was silent. It was alright."

"What about today?"

"Nothing... I was tired and still upset... I can assume you know what Umbridge did to me... but then with the fireworks... I guess, I didn't even think about it."

"Hmm, interesting."


"You hear way more when you are angry and you don't hear anything when you are happy, it's something to think about," Snape told her. "Are you going home for Easter?"

"Uh..." Jade was taken aback by that question. "I don't know, maybe. I don't want to but I might have to go. And I'm going back to my brother's wedding in May."

"He is already getting married, I thought he would give it more time... anyway. We both know what it's really happening, your parents, your family... there's no need to pretend otherwise. These people might know when someone is inside their minds as the Dark Lord often gets inside people's minds. Only a few are capable of detecting it and knowing who is the one trying to invade their thoughts and fewer are capable of stopping it... so, try to not be angry, control your emotions so you can control your mind. Do not even try to get into your parents' head. That's a risk too high. It wouldn't take them even a couple of seconds before they recognize you."

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