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A day later Jade told her mother she was spending a few days with Channel and Chantel. She barely paid attention to her and just nodded her head as she didn't really care. Jade grabbed a backpack and walked to the closest town. She was going to wait for Ron at the train Station but she realized she didn't have Muggle money.

Luckily Ron thought of it and got out of the station and found her outside. He paid for her ticket and got on the train.

"Honestly, I thought you wouldn't call me so soon," Ron said. "It got that bad, huh?"

"Yeah. It's just tough listening to how they are going to kill people and feel nothing. And how proud everyone is and they celebrate that he is back."

Four hours later or so, they finally arrived at Surrey, where Ron lived. A redhead man was waiting for them. It was then when Jade felt extremely nervous. She hadn't thought much about Ron's parents.

"You must be Jade, nice to meet you," the man said offering his hand to her, which she took. "I'm Arthur."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Weasley," she said with a shy smile.

They went to a corner and got out brooms. Arthur used one while Ron and Jade shared a second one. Ron wasn't as good so Jade held on to his clothes tightly because she thought she was going to fall, she didn't even dare to look down.

Finally they were on the ground and she was thankful for that. She saw a weird looking house and lots of green areas. You couldn't see another house nearby. They walked in and went to the kitchen where Ron's mother was.

"Mum, this is my friend, Jade."

"Thanks for letting me come Mrs. Weasley," Jade as the older woman shook her hand.

"No problem dear, come, you came just on time for lunch."

Ron's siblings, at least the ones who still lived at the house, didn't stop staring at her. She was obviously uncomfortable but tried to be as polite as possible. She even tried not to roll her eyes or laugh or say anything sarcastic as she always did. It was harder than Jade thought.

"So, Jade, Ron told us you live in Wiltshire," Arthur said. "I've heard it's beautiful over there."

"It is, I'm very lucky to live there. The countryside is beautiful and we have a local Quidditch field. It's small but it's good enough."

"Wow, really?" Ron exclaimed. "You didn't tell me that."

"How is it being in Slytherin?" Ginny asked out of nowhere, her parents gave her a look but Jade just smiled.

"Besides being hated by three quarters of the students, if not more, it's not bad. The common room is beautiful because it's underwater. It gives the common room this special and natural blue green colour, you know? And I suppose it's just like being in any other house. Nothing special, or good or bad about it."

"Yeah, I agree. The light that comes through the windows, that first goes through the lake just makes the area look very nice."

"And how do you even know that?" Jade asked.

"Uh, well, I heard about it..."

"Liar," the twins said in unison.

"I was there once, okay?"

"How?" Arthur asked his son.

"We slipped inside with Harry."

"Did you just slip in... by chance?" Jade asked, being sarcastic for the first time. Molly quickly changed the subject.

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