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The next day was a Saturday but that didn't mean Jade could sleep in. She woke up, had breakfast around 9:00 and then reunited with the three remaining players of the Quidditch team.

Graham Montague and Miles Bletchley were already there. Draco and Jade sat down in front of them. They were using one empty classroom in the dungeons as they didn't want to walk all the way to the field if they weren't going to train. Jade noticed Bletchley seemed angry while Montague was yawning and seemed like he was going to fall asleep.

"What's wrong with you?" Jade asked Miles.

"I assumed that now that I'm in the last year and with my good performance they would have made me captain but I didn't receive a letter or anything," Miles said angrily. "I even talked to Professor Snape asking if there had been a mistake but he assured me there was no mistake. I guess they chose Graham over me."

"Uh, actually, Graham is not the new Captain," Jade said. Graham was not even paying attention. He was more asleep than awake. "I am the new Captain."

"What?" Miles exclaimed, standing up at once.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" Draco asked her.

"I forgot..." Jade whispered.

"But... but that's unfair... not only you are two years younger than me but you are a girl!"

"If you have a problem, Miles, go talk to Professor Snape or even Dumbledore, I don't care. But if you continue with that attitude towards me, I think we'll need a new keeper. How does that sound?"

"You are threatening me?"

"No, I'm warning you," Jade said firmly, standing up as well. He was taller than her but she wasn't scared of him. "So, I'll suggest you to take your place or leave the team if you aren't happy, it's your choice."

"Come on, mate," Graham muttered. "It's all good."

Miles looked like he needed to murder someone, and he took a long time until he decided to sit down. Jade kept on her feet though.

"Alright. Cass, Lex and Lucian are gone. That means we need two beaters and a chaser. We'll hold tryouts this following Friday, I expect you all to be there so we can choose the best ones as a team and we will train double, at least at the start because we haven't played in a whole year and we might be rusty," Jade said with authority. She didn't know she could manage to be the captain but maybe she got it in her... her brother and father had been captains too. "I'll talk to Professor Snape and Madam Hooch to reserve the field. I'll let you know the time so we can all be there on time."

As soon as Miles and Graham, who both were now in seventh year, left, Draco gave Jade a hug. She looked up at him and just looked at him weirdly, this was probably the second or third hug they had had shared.

"Congratulations, Jade," Draco said as he let go of her.

"Thanks! And congratulations too!"

"For what?"

"For becoming a prefect," Jade told him with a smile.

Monday came too quickly and to Jade's bad luck she had double History of Magic first with the Hufflepuffs, the most boring class. Then she had Arithmancy. Then she had double Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors.

It was one of Jade's favourite subjects at one point but she learnt to dislike it when Lockhart was a teacher and she was sure she wasn't going to enjoy it with this new teacher.

Parvati Patil, a Gryffindor, had conjured a piece of paper, that was flying around the class. Students hit it with their hands, or stuff and everyone was laughing and enjoying it. Draco was glad to finally see a smile on Jade's face but then the piece of paper burnt and fell in front of Patil. Everyone turned around to see their new teacher, wearing all pink.

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