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It wasn't surprising that the whole school knew what had happened by the next morning. They knew Dumbledore was gone but some people were exaggerating. Some were even saying the Minister was at St. Mungos.

Cho was currently at the Hospital Wing as they still hadn't gotten a counterjinx to fix her face. Jade had to give some credit to Granger for that. Not like she would actually say it outloud.

"Did you hear? The Gargoyle at Dumbledore's office had shut itself, it won't let Umbridge in!" Jade heard a Ravenclaw say. He was sat right behind Jade at his table.

As expected, people wanted to know what had happened and wanted to hear the true story from the 'witnesses'. Potter had more of a hassle than Jade, as he seemed less intimidating. But despite her being in Slytherin, people from other houses approached her to ask her about last night.

She told all of them that there was nothing else to add, they all knew everything, but there was a question that made her look up from her breakfast. A first-year-Hufflepuff-girl was the one who asked.

"What?" Jade asked shocked.

"Are you and Harry dating?" she asked again, her brown eyes looking straight at Jade. Draco was next to her and she could tell how tense Draco got. "I think it's cute. You make a good couple."

"Uh, thanks?" Jade muttered surprised. She never thought someone would think they looked good together. "But uh, no, he is not, uh... we are not together."

"Oh..." the girl said sadly.

Jade noticed lots of people were also waiting for that answer and she was uncomfortable. How did they even know about that? Was it one of the portraits that had talked? Was it Percy Weasley? Was it someone else? Had it been Cho?

As she walked out of the Great Hall, she saw how Potter almost choked on his drink. She could only guess he had been made the same question as her, but this time by Ginny and Fred Weasley.

But there was something else they all had to worry about, with Dumbledore gone there was a new Decree out, making the toad the Headmistress so that only meant that things were getting worse and worse.

And that showed to be true when Pansy and Blaise, were docking points from random students for no reason at all. By lunch time, things got a little out of control.

Draco looked a bit too pleased to explain what the Inquisitorial Squad was to Potter, Ron, Granger and Ernie, from Hufflepuff. Pansy even showed them their pathetic tiny silver badge on ther uniform with pride.

Draco looked at Jade for a second as she approached them. "I thought your father made you join her and you weren't happy about it," she said.

Jade could see regret in his eyes, she shook her head at him in a way of telling him to not do it but Draco only looked down as Pansy kept talking about how important they were. Jade knew Draco didn't want to do it but he had to. But she wondered why he looked so proud and satisfied with what he was doing.

"I'll have five points because I don't like you, Potter." Jade heard Draco say, and despite knowing Draco wasn't completely on board, Jade knew he actually meant that, especially because of the rumours of Potter and Jade being together.

"Ten for being a Mud-blood," Pansy said smirking. Ron was going to get his wand when Granger stopped him.

"I think that's enough," Jade finally spoke. Pansy glared at her.

"Are you defending your boyfriend and his filthy friends now?"

"What if I am?" Jade said in a threatening tone. Straightening her body, she was at least three inches taller than Pansy and way smarter and more skillful. "Are you going to challenge me? Or are you going to dock points from your own house?" Pansy didn't say anything. "Yeah, I thought so."

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