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I added my newest video above! XX Hope you enjoy! 


It was during Care of Magical Creatures at the end of January when Jade heard someone speaking something about her. She concentrated enough and sort of shut out the other people.

"She can't be trusted... maybe if we make her fake galleon stop working, she won't turn to the meetings anymore."

Very subtly, Jade stood next to Ron, who just looked surprised when he noticed she was next to him now. She leant in so she could talk to Granger. Ron, who was in the middle of the two girls just seemed to feel very awkward.

"Here," she said with her fake galleon in her hand. "You don't want me going anymore, fine. I don't care. So have it. No need to be sneaky about it."

"Jade, what are you talking about?"

Ron was confused but Granger was blushing and looking very uncomfortable. Ron noticed and just stared at Granger, not knowing what was going on.

"Take it, go on!"

Granger was about to take it when Ron pushed her hand away and then put his hand over Jade's to close her hand.

"Are you crazy? Put it back in your pocket, no one is kicking you out. We want you in the meetings!"

"She doesn't..." Jade told him. "I don't want more problems, I don't want to end up in a coma again so I rather..."

"Stop it, okay? People want you there. Neville has improved a lot with your tips. And Zacharias needs to be put in his place every once in a while. Besides, who will be my partner if you stop going?" Ron told her. "And at least you don't have to worry about me, I won't ever do something as stupid as what I did. I still feel bad about what happened to you."

Jade was too proud, so she was going to give the coin to Ron and say she wasn't going to be at a place where she wasn't wanted, but then she saw Granger's expression and she knew she had to stay, just to annoy her. Ron was happy and smiled when Jade nodded at him and put the coin back in her pocket, Granger was the complete opposite of him, Jade smirked at her, which made her angrier.

"Hey, Jade, what's up? Why do you think we don't want you in the group anymore?" Ron said in a low tone to not be heard, their class had just finished.

"I heard her!"


"The... Eh, Granger. She said I can't be trusted."

"She didn't."

"I heard her Ron!" Jade exclaimed, slightly louder than before, losing her temper.

"Okay... why would she say that?"

"Because of the Death Eaters that escaped," she said with a shrug.

"That has nothing to do with you! She might know about your parents because Harry told us, but she knows since last year! Nothing's changed."

But it had changed.

"Alright, anyway, I need to go to class. But Ron, if you really don't want me going, just tell me."

Things weren't improving as she kept hearing from people and reading on the Daily Prophet that there had been sightings of the ten Death Eaters that escaped.

"Bellatrix Lestrange was last seen by Wiltshire."

Jade looked at the fourth-year Ravenclaw and just kept listening to their conversation. Someone else mentioned the same thing and Jade wasn't happy about it.

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