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September 01, 2008.

Harry had an arm around his only son, Leo, as he pushed a trolley with his trunk and the cage of his owl on it, called Killie. It was a brown owl that he had rescued from the Muggle town close to his house in Wiltshire.

Leo seemed to share the love for animals with his mother. So far, they had rescued over a hundred animals and adopted two owls, four dogs, twelve cats, some rodents and they also had chickens. Some Muggles nearby also gave three goats and two sheep to Jade, as she had gotten the reputation of taking care of animals.

Draco and Jade were right next to them, she was holding Jervis' hand. Her nephew was still ten, his birthday was recently. He had spent the summer holidays in the countryside with them. Leo and Jervis were really good friends. Even when they lived in different parts of the UK, they usually spent a lot of time together. This would be the first time they wouldn't see each other in a while.

Jade was feeling melancholic and sad that Leo was leaving for Hogwarts for the first time. Still, she put a strong face for Leo and the five of them were having a nice talk as they walked.

As expected, no one their age or that had been in their same year was there. Ron's son and Teddy were still only ten years old like Jervis but the two boys and Leo were best friends, it was actually such a shame that they wouldn't be in the same year together. They also liked Jervis but they didn't spend a lot of time with him, mostly because of some issues Olisca had.

Over the years, the dynamic between the adults had improved and things weren't awkward between them anymore. Draco and Harry could be called friends now, and Jade and Harry were really close.

Their arrangement had worked well for the last ten years. Leo spent a week in London with Harry and a week in Wiltshire with Jade and Draco. And they all celebrated holidays together, it could seem weird but it was working.

Leo was the same charming, full of energy, and lovely little boy that he was when he was nine and rescued from Voldemort. The change back to baby hadn't affected his personality but he had lived a happy childhood instead of being hidden or even kidnapped, and he had spent all those years with his parents, something he couldn't do in the other reality. His resentment and confusion were gone and that resulted in a happier child. He was even more bubbly and curious than before.

Over there, things were going okay as well. The twins Saffie and Harlie were safe and well. Sirius was looking after them and Leo visited him quite often. It was even good for Jade and Harry as they both missed him too and they saw their daughters as well. So, it was a win win situation for everybody.

They had decided to not bring the twins too like they had done with Leo because they couldn't take away more from Sirius. He loved them and even adopted them. They looked so similar to Harry that they, in some way, reminded him of James.

Leo walked with fake confidence but the three adults could notice he was nervous, with one hand he was playing with his red hair that reached his chin and he kept biting his bottom lip, something he had picked up from Jade.

"You'll be alright, Leo," Harry said with a smile.

He, in some way, wished he could be eleven all over again and go to Hogwarts. He missed those times. He actually regretted not going back for his seventh year but he had Leo and he thought that after a war, he was ready for the adult life.

Harry had given Leo his cloak of invisibility with the only condition of being responsible when using it and to not lose it. He had kept the Marauder's map, though. He felt like Leo wasn't ready for it and in some way he wanted to keep an eye on his son, at least during his first year, probably during his second too.

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