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The next day, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had their match of Quidditch but Draco didn't go to see it. He took his homework and spent all weekend by Jade's side.

He could hear the cheering and the commentator but he couldn't be sure who had won the match, not like he actually cared at the moment.

The Weasley twins and Ron visited after the match. Ron still looked pale and he couldn't even look at Jade from the guilt he felt. If Draco hadn't caused the same damage, he'd have probably killed Ron, but he was just as guilty.

Potter also visited but on his own and just before dinner. He looked sad but the remorse that was written all over Ron's face wasn't in Potter's, not like it should because he was the only one that didn't actually harm her.

As the night before, Draco had to return to the cold Slytherin common room by 22:00. He begged Madam Pomfrey as it was Saturday but she was firm and didn't change her mind.

Draco didn't linger in the common room, he barely paid attention to see who was still there so late. Back in his dormitory, the boys were still up and he cursed mentally as he didn't really want to talk to anyone.

"How is she?" Blaise asked, even though he knew the answer.

"No change at all," Draco said, looking at the floor.

Blaise and the whole school obviously knew what had happened because of the twins, who made sure to tell every living and not-living soul in the school, and they even added details that never happened.

Some people thought it was Potter and Draco who had actually harmed her, and Ron was only taking the blame for his friend. Or that it was just Draco and to look good he was blaming Ron.

Too many rumours had been made and there were at least six different versions of what happened. But Blaise knew the real version.

The night before, Draco had avoided every one and gone to sleep but in the middle of the night he was woken up by Blaise because he was having a nightmare. Draco couldn't take it any longer and told Blaise what happened.

"It was an accident," Blaise repeated but Draco still kept saying it was all his fault.

Draco sat on his bed, rested his elbows on his knees and put his head against his hands. He messed up his hair a bit, he took a deep breath and then lifted his gaze, looking at the window.

"She will be alright," Blaise muttered. "She's Jade, she can't be defeated by something like this."

"She hasn't gotten better," Draco said to him.

"She hasn't gotten worse either," Blaise stated. "She just needs some time to recover."

How long, though? That was what Draco wanted to ask but who could answer him? Not even Madam Pomfrey could be certain of that.

"Have her parents been informed?" Draco asked Snape on Monday before the class started. He wanted to be with Jade but Snape hadn't allowed him to skip classes or even Quidditch training.

"After she didn't wake up the first night I sent them a letter."

Draco nodded sadly. The Lias family had known since Saturday morning and they hadn't visited Jade yet. Maybe they thought it wasn't serious enough.

"Did they even reply?" Draco asked outloud.

Snape didn't answer his question but gave him a look and Draco knew he wasn't supposed to ask things like that. He nodded once again and went to sit next to Blaise, who had just walked in.

That day it snowed even more and that made Draco even more miserable and sad. Jade loved the snow, it was almost like something was making sure that Draco was feeling even more guilty or at least he felt it that way, everything he did or saw reminded him of her.

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