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"Maybe you should get some rest, dear," Madam Pomfrey said to Jade. "He'll be alright."

But Jade didn't move, she didn't even reply to the older woman. She hadn't stopped crying and she was still shaking. Maybe her state was what made Madam Pomfrey let Jade stay. She was a very stern woman but she noticed Jade wasn't okay to leave.

"Well, at least put this on."

Madam Pomfrey gave Jade some clothes that she had in her office. Her own clothes were still soaking wet and stained with blood. She took them and walked to the bathroom.

Jade winced as she looked in the mirror at her white shirt that now wasn't so white. She took it off quickly and threw it down to the floor. Staying in just her bra, Jade quickly cleaned herself in the bathroom of the Hospital Wing. The clear water kept coming back red. She felt sick at the sight but she kept rubbing her skin and getting rid of any trace of blood.

Once she seemed and felt clean enough, she dried herself and put on the clean, blood-free clothes that Madam Pomfrey had given her. Those were bigger but she preferred them as they were not stained and they were dry. She left her clothes in the corner and cleaned the sink before going out of the bathroom.

But despite being in dry clothes, Jade kept shaking. She was still in shock. Around 2:00, Jade dragged her chair closer to the top of the bed and put a hand on top of Draco's, who was still unconscious. His skin was so pale, she didn't want to say it or think about it but he seemed dead.

Not wating to cause any more damage, Jade laid her head on the edge of the bed, trying not to touch him. From time to time, she kept breaking down as she remembered the amount of blood Draco lost.

Jade tried hard to read his mind... to see if he was still there, and not gone. But all she got was listening to Madam Pomfrey, she still couldn't listen to Draco's thoughts.

Just before sunrise, tiredness got the best of Jade. She closed her eyes for just a few seconds but she fell asleep, with her face still wet from tears and her hand on top of Draco's.

Jade didn't move at all from her seat next to the bed. Snape went to check on him a few times and told Jade to go eat but she wasn't hungry. Narcissa Malfoy visited him too, she sat next to Jade for a couple of hours before she had to leave.

Before night came, Snape asked her what had happened and Jade tried to speak. Her voice hoarse from not using it in a whole day but she couldn't even complete a sentence without crying. So Snape didn't ask more and told her to get some rest, he let her sleep on the bed next to Draco. Madam Pomfrey wasn't happy but she didn't argue with Snape, she even gave something to Jade to make her calm down a bit.

The next day after breakfast Madam Pomfrey actually kicked her out. Snape had ordered her to leave and to actually go to class.

Feeling like a zombie, Jade went all the way to the dungeons and got into her dorm. She took a long and hot shower and she felt slightly better. She changed into her uniform and just stayed there for a bit.

She didn't know what day it was or the time... did she have Care of Magical Creatures or Charms? Or even Potions? Or DADA?

Nevertheless, she walked out to the Entrance Hall. She stood there for a while not knowing where to go or what to do.

"Miss Lias?" She turned to look at Madam Hooch. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"I don't know what class I have," Jade whispered, her voice hoarser than ever.

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