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"I know Jade's been weird since... when was it? End of October?" Ron asked Harry as he glanced quickly at Jade. "But this is just too much... we are her friends... why is she avoiding us?"

"She's not avoiding us," Harry said.

"Spending time with Ginny and Fleur is definitely avoiding us. She doesn't like French girls since... you know. I thought she would be more cheerful here but she hasn't even talked to us."

"Well, think about it. It must be hard. We don't know how she celebrates Christmas. This could be nice but it could also be a painful reminder that her family is cruel and heartless."

The day after Slughorn's party, people went back home for Christmas. Ron had invited Jade over since the beginning of December and she accepted. But on the train, she went somewhere else and didn't spend time with them and since they got to the Burrow she had been spending time with the girls or Fred and George when they were around.

There was obviously something going on and Ron could see it easily but Harry didn't think it was such a big deal.

"I think you should tell her... he was her boyfriend," Ron told him. Harry had told him everything he heard the night of the party between Snape and Malfoy.

"Was... They aren't even speaking at the moment. It would only make the wound hurt more and she's been through a lot already. I don't think she needs to know."

"You didn't think like that a few weeks ago when you told us about your suspicions, you even asked her if Malfoy had told her something or if she had heard his thoughts and even went as fas as telling her if she could get into his head to get information for you. What has changed?" Ron asked. "Besides, Malfoy lives five minutes away from her and we know he is the person she goes to when something happens. Wouldn't it be worse if she forgives him and later you tell her about what you heard? You'd create more pain."

"Nothing's changed," Harry said awkwardly. "I guess you have a point but I don't think she could take it. You should have seen her face when Filch busted Malfoy at the party. She still cares about him."

"Exactly... that's why you should tell her. It will hurt but at least she'll know."

The following day, for Christmas lunch, everyone was wearing new sweaters, made by Mrs. Weasley. Jade got tearful when she opened her gift. It was a nice lilac sweater with a golden J in the middle. She put it on immediately. She didn't really expect to get anything and had never gotten anything as meaningful as that.

Later, they were unexpectedly joined by Percy, but the real reason he was there, was because the Minister wanted to speak to Harry and he knew he was there. But the Minister made up a lame excuse, saying they were in the neighbourhood, but there weren't houses nearby or shops or anything.

Percy didn't seem like he wanted to be there, he looked uncomfortable while the Minister took his time talking to Harry. Percy stayed quiet except when he wondered aloud why Jade was there. He remembered her as she usually was problematic and mean and hurtful.

After they left, everything went back to normal, all the awkwardness and tension were gone. And for Jade, that was the best Christmas she had ever had. Surrounded by love and happiness and a real family.


Mrs. Weasley actually cried the day they left. Jade didn't know what to do or say. She had never seen her own mother cry. Actually, her mother seemed eager about her kids going back to school, she and Finley had never said they would miss them, unlike Mrs. and Mr. Weasley.

Jade hugged and thanked Mrs. Weasley for everything, Jade was wearing her lilac sweater that day. She loved it.

Things had gotten so bad that students didn't go to King's Cross that time. They went back to school through the Floo Network. Jade was actually glad as she didn't really want to spend a few hours on the train... she was indeed avoiding Harry.

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