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For the first time, Jade felt dizzy and a bit disorientated after using the object Dumbledore had given her. As she looked around she could tell she was back in the tent and Harry was right next to her. So both were alright and back where they should be. She had second thoughts and hesitated as she was releasing the button and wanted to stop the whole action of travelling back but she couldn't and she wondered if that was what had caused her dizziness.

There was a lot to think about and to consider but they didn't really have the time to compare the options. Harry and Jade were pale and had expressions of shock and fear. What had they done?

"Is this where you live?"

Jade closed her eyes tightly and tried to think of all the possibilities. Only one or two were good, the rest were terrible. Jade's dizziness worsened, it felt as if the ground was spinning, she felt like puking.

"Who's this?" Ron asked, alarmed. "Holy shit... are you alright? You don't look good."

It wasn't until Granger approached them that Harry looked very guilty and got even paler. He was dreading the question coming from her and even worse, her reaction to the answer to that question, and Jade knew it. She was such a goody that she would be horrified.

"Harry? Why is there a kid in here? And how did he get inside?"

Just as Jade was pressing the button to go to her own time and reality, Leo had managed to grab and hold on to both their clothes and then she released the button at that very moment. Bringing the three of them back. Jade didn't know what they had caused by doing that and she wasn't sure if she could just take him back or would they return to a trap?

Jade had realised what was going on, noticed what Leo was doing, and she wanted to not release the button and just keep it pressed until Leo would let go but that was in a matter of milliseconds and before she knew it, they had come back, bringing Leo along.


"Hermione, this is Leo," Harry said, and then looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with her. "Our son."

"Your son?" Granged asked, her voice got high-pitched. "You didn't.... oh my God, Harry! Can't you see how bad of an idea that is? And even if it wasn't, we are in the middle of something very dangerous. You've put your own son in danger!"

"Don't you think I don't know that, Hermione?" Harry shouted, standing up and looking straight at Hermione. "It was an accident, alright? As much as I want him to be with me, I wouldn't bring him to this! Can't you just leave us alone? We know, okay? We don't need you to tell us how bad of an idea it is. You could be more helpful if you could tell us what to do now."

As they argued, Leo went to stand next to Jade, he wrapped his arms around Jade's waist and hid his face in her clothes as his eyes filled with tears. Granger glared at Harry but didn't say anything else. She turned around, furious, got her coat and went out to keep watch.

Harry and Jade sat at the table, discussing possibilities, discussing what to do while Leo sat on the bed with Ron who was trying to entertain him but he seemed to be quite sorry of what he'd done and even sad. He felt like he wasn't wanted and gladly, Ron noticed that and explained that he was wanted and that he was happy to finally meet him but they were in the middle of something extremely dangerous and none of them wanted anything bad to happen to him. It seemed like having a baby had made Ron more mature and helped him to pick up on things a bit more.

After some time, Harry and Jade had finally agreed on something. It wasn't ideal but it would have to do for now. Jade was going to call Ilvie so she could take him to Mrs. Weasley. Ilvie would have to explain a lot.

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