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Ron and Jade spent the night in the Isle of Wight. They broke into a house and stayed the night there. Apparently no woman lived there, but Jade needed to change, he didn't want to continue wearing a wedding dress, so she grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a pyjama T-shirt. Then she undid the hairdo and brushed her hair and washed the make-up off.

Ron was glad that he was with her friend again and it also helped that she was very skilled with spells. He felt secure after Jade had told him the right protecting enchantments and he did them around the house, Jade still couldn't perform any magic just in case her mother had activated the trace on her.

The both of them found a jar of peanut butter and some bread. They also found biscuits and chocolate. They spread some of the peanut butter on a few slices of bread and ate them, they hadn't eaten in several hours, close to a whole day.

"So, what happened to me?" How did you end up with Draco and the twins?"

"Based on what Draco said, you were kidnapped by your father so you would marry Perseus. You don't remember anything?"

"I remember I went to my room and I still needed to pack a few things but I was so tired I got into bed. I was so preoccupied about packing and also couldn't choose if I should go back to Hogwarts and risk it or just run away before sunrise," Jade told him as she grabbed some chocolates. "Then I have like flashbacks and foggy images in my brain but that's it.

"Foggy images? Of what?"

"I remember Cass talked to me at some point, I'm not sure what he said. Lex lifted the curse at some point because he came into the room where I was and apologised to me and said he loved me. He hugged me and then I felt really drowsy and fell asleep. The other stuff is so confusing I don't even know how to explain it all."

"So, you couldn't really feel you were under that curse?"

"Mostly, no. There are some times I wanted to do something and realised I couldn't but then I kind of like forgot about it. Like when you are dreaming and you know it is a dream and the scenario changes so you forget it's a dream. Have you got that? Well, it was like that. So, my dad kidnapped me? Why am I even surprised? I should have seen it coming."

"It's not your fault, you know?"

"I see signs and things happening and I still don't act. I just keep thinking I have more time."

"It must be hard to turn away from everything."

"Yeah, harder than I thought," Jade admitted. "So, what else should I know?"

During the night, Ron told her why he was all alone and not with Harry. He felt ashamed of what had happened and told her how he had survived for the last ten weeks or so. Then told her about Draco going to the twins' flat asking for help and planning to save her.

Then Jade in return told him how bad things were at Hogwarts and told him they were doing the D.A. meetings again and even told him of what happened with Amycus Carrow. He also told him about her forced engagement in front of everyone, including Draco, only a few days ago.

The both of them talked about their experiences over the last few months until morning came. When they ate once again and it was light enough outside, Jade called Ilvie who surprisingly appeared in front of them in less than five seconds. Jade ordered her to get her backpack, and to get a few extra things, including a tent and sleeping bags and some food.

Ilvie was back in five minutes, Jade smiled as she took the small, light backpack but knew all her things that were valuable to her or that in some way were needed, were inside.

"Ilvie, can you take us with you? Would the Ministry detect that an underage Witch was apparating?"

"House-elves magic is different. They won't know, Miss Jade," she said softly. Jade nodded with relief.They had a broom but it was faster to let Ilvie take them.

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